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Jason Chernoff

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  1. Parked truck about a month ago and all good. Went to start and indicator on top of dash is flashing F and shifter is in neutral with green light. Will not start. Disconnected batteries. Tried again same problem
  2. Thanks. Looks like my battery disconnect is shot. Jumped the 2 terminals and everything works
  3. Truck was running fine. Shut it off and went to restart 15 mins later and no key power. Is there a fuse that controls this or a relay?
  4. Thanks a lot. I’ll get it changed
  5. Light came on all gauges are good SA 0 SPN 153 FMI 7 These are the codes I found
  6. Ok. Pulled relay and they quit coming on. I’ll start by changing that. Thanks.
  7. Truck sits for a couple days and headlights or daytime running lights come on by themselves. Cannot shut them off unless disconnect battery. Reconnect cables and lights go off for a couple more days
  8. Does anyone know what the latch/set switch is for on my 2012 pinnacle ? Does it have something to do with the jake? It has an mdrive trans
  9. What is the proper way to engage a pto with a mdrive trans? And should it be idled up to around 1200 rpm? Using it with a hoist and grain box
  10. Thanks. I check it out
  11. I have a 2013 pinnacle with a mdrive trans. Truck is new to me and when I engage the pto to use the hoist it doesn’t always engage and sometimes kicks out after a few minutes. Seems to loose a lot of air when engaged and won’t build anymore . Stays at about 100psi. Can’t find any leaks
  12. I have a 2013 pinnacle with just the maxx brake switch and no jake. How do I know it’s working? Doesn’t seem to make a difference on or off. It’s on a mdrive
  13. That was the problem exactly. Thanks for the tip!!
  14. Truck worked fine. Changed batteries and started it. Now SCR fault derate in 45 mins comes up and DEF level gauge shows empty. I’m sure this is related. Where do I start?
  15. 2013 pinnacle with mp8 engine. Jake not working. Just a 2 position switch. I assume on and off. Switch lights up when turned on
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