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Andre Wright

Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by Andre Wright

  1. Don't know they just told me its the transmission wiring harness
  2. Update got my truck back yesterday and its fixed the Mack dealer was right. So apparently a bad transmission wiring harness will cause your transmission to slip
  3. Would the transmission wiring harness cause the transmission to slip?
  4. So that would cause the transmission to slip?
  5. Yes its a 12 speed automatic the mack dealer says its the transmission wiring harness but I didn't have any lights on my dash?
  6. When I'm at a stop light and take off when the truck reaches 7th gear sometimes it will not accelerate so I would let off the gas pedal then give it gas then I would hear a thunk noise and it will take off does anyone know what the problem could be? It only happens towards the end of the day.
  7. When I'm at a stop light sometimes when I take off when it reaches 3rd or 4th gear the truck does not want to accelerate so I would let off the gas then press down again then it would accelerate whats causing this??
  8. Awsome thx
  9. Can someone tell me what this button is for? I'm assuming its to give more power going up hills?
  10. What is this button for I have a 2018 Vision
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