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Draggin Wagon

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Everything posted by Draggin Wagon

  1. Now that's a decked out Farmall !!!! No way Bubba J could ride with sleeper window open - a kid would holler and he would bail out
  2. The Zinahorn gives the final touch to the Binder!!! I always had fun taking one of the Macks to a cruise in or car show. Lots of people were always interested.
  3. Last correct kit I had was a Moog 8482B. Good luck finding
  4. Also put terminal strip on fire wall, under cab and under wrecker body. Be sure to make wiring diagram with wire numbers and colors. Makes lot faster to trouble shoot later on after you forgot everything
  5. Think I used #10 from alternator thru amp meter to solenooid, #12 for all big lights, start relay and solenoid, #14 or 16 for small lights, lighter recepticles, CB radio and misc.
  6. ended up welding up teeth and grinding to fit and what a grinding job that was !!!!!!!!!! So far it is holding up, probably bust tomorrow since I said that
  7. 2nd and 3rd digit (85) = ENDT 675 engine L= light weight or weight reduced, some aluminum components used S = six wheel (tandem) T = tractor l
  8. Big thanks to Barry for posting the 23rd edition of B Model Registry. I sent last night and he put ot up this morning. Super job!! This thing is getting so big that it is hard to keep up with. All additions have to be added manually which screws the spacing between each entry. I about go blind messing with it. But it continues to grow and guess I'll keep after it. Next update will be end of 2024 so if you have not entered your numbers, better get with it. It is interesting to me how many consecutive serial numbers have shown up. And I got quite a few change of ownership numbers this time. There is a separate index card for every serial number listed, contains all information owner sent to me. Every new owner is listed on that card, so in some cases that card tells a rather long tale about that turck. I'll keep updating long as additional numbers come in.
  9. Big thanks to Barry for posting the 23rd edition of B Model Registry. I sent last night and he put ot up this morning. Super job!! This thing is getting so big that it is hard to keep up with. All additions have to be added manually which screws the spacing between each entry. I about go blind messing with it. But it continues to grow and guess I'll keep after it. Next update will be end of 2024 so if you have not entered your numbers, better get with it. It is interesting to me how many consecutive serial numbers have shown up. And I got quite a few change of ownership numbers this time. There is a separate index card for every serial number listed, contains all information owner sent to me. Every new owner is listed on that card, so in some cases that card tells a rather long tale about that turck. I'll keep updating long as additional numbers come in.
  10. Happy Birthday Barry!!! I have the 2023 edition of B Model Registry finished. Will holler to see when you are ready for it
  11. Very simple to make and you can add more fuses/circuit breakers for extra protection. My suggestion - cut all the old mess out and start fresh. Make a diagram as you go for referance
  12. Senator John Kennedy, just about the lone voice of sanity in our government. Anybody that supports this current adminstration is guilty of treason including all in this adminstration !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Last year fertilizer got stupid high because of the Russia-Ukraine crap. went down some in fall. This spring it went up again because of the early dry spell in April. Everybody was wanting to plant but the distribution points had not gotten stocked up - therefore we had a shortage. Prices started declining end of June. Lord only knows what the next crisis will be to send them up. I hauled nearly 3 times the fertilizer this year as I did last year. Not a very good growing season this year so the farmer takes it in the butt again. Bean yields are down but moisture content is not bad. We haven't been able to get into corn yet because moisture is way high, just doesn't seem to dry down very fast. May be Christmas before harvest gets wrapped up this year
  14. Do you have a resistor in primary circuit of coil? Full 12 volts will fry points. Does your coil have an internal resistor? Read resistance across primary terminals of coil - if reads approx 3 ohms, then it has internal resistor. If reads approx 1.5 ohms, there is no internal resistor and you need an additional resistor in the circuit. Sometimes it takes some experimenting to get voltage to a point that points like. Also the capacitor value has a lot to do with burning points. Too little capacitance, metal will transfer to moveable contact. Too much, metal goes to stationary contact. Back in the days of point ignitions, if both contacts were burnt even, I would reuse condensor.
  15. I converted the ole Draggin Wqgon from 24V positive ground to 12V negative ground and it still went backwards in reverse
  16. Well rain has killed concrete pour for this week. I got fertilizer hauling caught up today. Wonder Woman has doctor appointment tomorrow 75 miles away (thyroid numbers out of kilter). There is good chance Thursday morning I might just check oil in Wide Body Draggin Wagon and head out of here. Hope to see all you characters!!!
  17. Things ain't looking good for that trip (900 miles round trip). Seems like everything around here is falling apart. Wonder Woman is having some doctoring problems. I have been pulling old concrete from in front of shop, started forming today. Tomorrow is choke a doctor day so not much progress on concrete. Next week is clear plugged up with "got to do" crap! So feel free with plenty of pictures from the show!
  18. That is just plum SHARP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Outstanding work Carl !!
  19. As you remove the bolts replace a couple on front and back with 3/8" studs about 2" long. Find somebody to help hold one end on studs until you get other end loose and couple studs installed. Then you can slide off studs and raise inner fender over the tire. Or remove tire to elimate lifting so high. Also good idea to keep those 3/8" studs in glove box just in case you have to drop a fender on side of road.
  20. Think I used a peanut butter jar top. Not OEM but will do till you find correct piece
  21. If you got black fuel in filter housing, you may be having algae problems in fuel system which is going to ruin your play time. Can you drain some fuel from bottom of tank to see if it is black also. If it is, you need to do a system flush. Once that crap gets started, you got a mess
  22. Mowerman, Long time back something happened to my account (Fuzzy Buzzard) and I was not smart enough to figure it out. Only way I could log back in was to start another account (Draggin Wagon). So I'm still around, just with different handle
  23. Don't get exicited about the bead blaster. 2 X 4 blocks inbetween the beads to spread sidewall. By the time you have enough nerve and energy to tackle the job a week later, tires will inflate (may have to remove core to get air in faster)
  24. I'm in same boat except I have the wreck body to capture most of the flying rubber. In your case, damage to front of race trailer and sleeper could be serious! BUT several years back we put 8 new chineesum drives on Pete. By 80,000 miles, 4 of them scattered. Moral of story - it's a crap shoot
  25. Rough rider bobtail. Looks about same wheelbase as my B615. Couldn't stay in seat unless 20,000 pounds on 5th wheel! But it is still a great ride, just don't run much because fear of busting up cab
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