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Draggin Wagon

Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by Draggin Wagon

  1. yep, clear forgot it. Will try to do better tomorrow
  2. Carl, I have a bunch of ratio boxes. I'll try to remember to look tomorrow to see if any 90 degree boxes. If you think of it tomorrow, shoot me a text to remind me.
  3. A great big thanks to Barry for posting the 2021 edition of the registry today! This thing is getting so big it is hard to keep up with it. So take a look and check your truck to double check the information. Thanks again Barry for keeping this alive. Tom
  4. Merry Christmas to all and hopefully a better New Year!!
  5. Jettertrucks, Any way to get part number of ring gear? That unit is a lot newer than mine. Wonder if any chance the ring gears are same?
  6. Thanks Hayseed! I put in a request, we'll see how it turns out. Thanks D-Day! I'll give them a call Monday. I'm going to post picture of damage. I haven't ruled out welding up the 3 teeth with either stick or TIG. Not sure yet what filler rod to use. I'm open to any and all suggestions. This old loader gets "kid glove" treatment. Just wish I had pulled rear out when I first thought there was a problem.
  7. I am in a pinch. My handy dandy Kubota R-400 loader has a bad ring gear in back rear end. Part number for ring gear 68811-2421-0 and Kubota does not show any in America - discontinued part. My next choice is finding a used one BUT it seems these machines are about as hard to find as an honest politician! Hope my picture is attached. If anybody knows where there is one sitting, please holler!! My gear has 3 teeth that have "flaked" out on drive side across the whole length. If I can't locate a used one, then the next choice is to TIG weld these bad places. That opens up a whole new thread of conversation for the next post. Thanks in advance
  8. A friend in VA is building Mercury type bunk houses if you are interested
  9. Cody, I looked up your site for pics of your B model work. Very interesting for sure. you might post the address on here for this group to see. Great visit other night! From looks of your work, the clutch linkage will be a piece of cake, just get it to where big toe will push pedal down. Keep us posted on progress and thanks for sending your serial numbers.
  10. Got a question - what are the 4 vertical things on front of engine that appear to be cylinders?
  11. Put the 2 stroke in there!! It's your truck, don't even concern yourself with what anybody thinks. The small duplex is probably a 67 series and it might not like the ride too well. The triplex will be either single over or double over which will help road speed. GO for it and keep us posted
  12. I did what you are wanting to do but it was 4 years ago so my remerory is foggy Think I rotated clutch pedal shaft 180 degrees and cut a new keyway in shaft. Rod runs from that to a pivot point on fuel tank bracket. Then another rod runs from pivot point to release bearing arm. I made provisions for lots of adjustments and different attachment points for rod clevises. After 2 days of experimenting with all that, you can depress the clutch with big toe ( perfect for asphalt grinding) and the whole mess working great. If you want to PM me with phone, I can send some pictures to clear up my fuzzy explanation.
  13. Anybody have any gas engine flywheels that they could check the casing number? So far nothing is showing up on diesel flywheels.
  14. If you would care to click on B Model Registry tab on this site and register this engine. There are over 2300 Bs registered from 5 countries. Costs nothing. Fuzzy Buzzard said that
  15. Looks about as good as the old sled I ride!!
  16. Give me advance notice on test run and I'll ride the old Draggin Wagon up and run interference for you. Fuzzy Buzzard said that
  17. Number on front side of flywheel - 530GB4167A. Everybody look under beds and thru junk in shop and see if you can come up with this number please! Thanks
  18. I have seen a rim or two that I could not get lined up no matter what I did. And I think they were tube type rims. Always wondered if it was possible to warp a rim by letting a brain dead rookie put it on.
  19. A friend is having hard time finding a flywheel for a late 1980 EM6-285R engine in a B Model. This flywheel is a pocket style for 15" single disc push clutch. When flywheel is laid front side down on flat surface, starter ring gear touches the flat surface - very different than 673s used in B Models. Any help would be appreciated.
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