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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. Hi Rob Well not realy a mismatch, just recenly I met the guy that had actually designed it. It was only though general conversation that the truck in question was brought up. The spread was so high in the main so that each could be split four times with the joey. But it was still a mongrell of a truck to drive. I have driven, including my own, three Macks with Quad boxes and although each had a different feel, I was always able to move both sticks at the same time in those. What's your location Rob. Gav.
  2. Thanks for that Rob. That clears up one of my early experiences, my old Flintstone, which I bought when I was a green,green lad back in the early 70's, had I was told, a Maxidyne implanted into it (had a turbo ). Now having read your reply, yes it probably had a Thermodyne. That old girl had a Quod Box, and needed every gear. And yep I did pull both sticks together. I found this site by looking to see if many of todays drivers still have such a beast. Having said that, I,ll bash your ears with my bit of trivier; In about 1990 I drove a Mack for OD Transport here in Perth, that bitch had a screeming V8 Gemie in it, and one hell of a long bonnet to accomodate it, and armstrong steering. But just to make things just that little bit more of a chalenge it had a 5 speed main box with a 4speed joey bolted on behind (all four were used). It didn't matter how good you were,both sticks would not go at the same time; after going though all four in the joey, the reves had to be droped all the way down to change the main and then up again to put the joey into first, I could only put this down to the fact of the two boxes being separate. Taking off on an up hill was not fun, cause if a grab for second in the main was not made quick enough, the bitch slowed down too much, and died on the spot. Then there was still plenty of chances to make, unlike the Quod box this one had to have all five split . And the lights just turned red, buggar ! So that's one of my experiences. Regards Gav.
  3. Just stumbled over your site, and had to join just to say: I think you all misted one point - " Wasn't the Maxidine the first to have a turbo ? Gav From Western Australia
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