Good morning,
Truck is a 2001 RD 688 with E7 460. Driving down the road the other day at the engine light comes on and stays on. Its a 3-1 code, I replaced the pyrometer as they seem to only last a year anyway. No change same code still on all the time. I got out the service manual last night and followed the procedure. I figured i would find something in the wiring but it all checked out good less than half a volt everywhere that the testing required and continuity where it was supposed to have it. I get to the second to last step and it has me check continuity between the V2 connector and the rest of the plugs on the VECU. IT says if there is continuity then replace the V2 connector. I had continuity from the V2 plug to certain pins on both the V1 and V4 connectors. The plug visibly appears to have no damage at all how could this be my problem ? Light doesn't ever go out its on as soon as the key is on. I did run jumper wires out of the vecu to the pyro as i wasn't quite sold on the fact that it wasn't wiring. Has anyone seen a failed VECU ?