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  1. Sounds like a plan. Thanks again !
  2. Thank you very much Joey Mack !!! That’s a perfect solution !
  3. Sorry about that. Not sure why it didn’t load the first time.
  4. Good evening, I purchased a re man last year and now it’s leaking at the second seal in past the yoke. My understanding is that there is no good way to set the pinion preload while the rear end is in the truck. Does anyone have a procedure or advice here ? Thank you in advance. This is a Mack 44 truck year is 2002.
  5. Thank you guys ! I got a used VECU from the dealership and plugged it in and my 3-1 code went away but after driving it I realized that it didn’t have the pyro turned on in the vecu so that’s why it wasn’t working 😂. It’s $700 bucks and it’s 20 years old minus well replace it. I just found it strange that the troubleshooting procedure said to replace the plug that’s all.
  6. Good morning, Truck is a 2001 RD 688 with E7 460. Driving down the road the other day at the engine light comes on and stays on. Its a 3-1 code, I replaced the pyrometer as they seem to only last a year anyway. No change same code still on all the time. I got out the service manual last night and followed the procedure. I figured i would find something in the wiring but it all checked out good less than half a volt everywhere that the testing required and continuity where it was supposed to have it. I get to the second to last step and it has me check continuity between the V2 connector and the rest of the plugs on the VECU. IT says if there is continuity then replace the V2 connector. I had continuity from the V2 plug to certain pins on both the V1 and V4 connectors. The plug visibly appears to have no damage at all how could this be my problem ? Light doesn't ever go out its on as soon as the key is on. I did run jumper wires out of the vecu to the pyro as i wasn't quite sold on the fact that it wasn't wiring. Has anyone seen a failed VECU ?
  7. Good morning, Truck is a 2001 RD 688 with E7 460. Driving down the road the other day at the engine light comes on and stays on. Its a 3-1 code, I replaced the pyrometer as they seem to only last a year anyway. No change same code still on all the time. I got out the service manual last night and followed the procedure. I figured i would find something in the wiring but it all checked out good less than half a volt everywhere that the testing required and continuity where it was supposed to have it. I get to the second to last step and it has me check continuity between the V2 connector and the rest of the plugs on the VECU. IT says if there is continuity then replace the V2 connector. I had continuity from the V2 plug to certain pins on both the V1 and V4 connectors. The plug visibly appears to have no damage at all how could this be my problem ? Light doesn't ever go out its on as soon as the key is on. I did run jumper wires out of the vecu to the pyro as i wasn't quite sold on the fact that it wasn't wiring. Has anyone seen a failed VECU ?
  8. Thank you all so much for the help !
  9. Guys, I wanted to share that we solved the 3-4 code when it’s raining out. The wires going to the cam sensor had a short in them behind the valve cover where it goes over the bell housing. I had some good rain and was able to verify that was causing all the havoc ! Thanks to everyone that helped. The next issue is the engine hunts at idle, some days it does other days it dosnt. The passengers side fuel tank has air coming into it when the engine hunts. I assume the return is on that side ? Where would you check for air ? Plumb a clear hose in somewhere ?
  10. That’s a great idea I will check the vecu tomorrow. I do remember there being dampness on the passengers side floor so I will see if I can replicate the symptoms.
  11. Connections are all clean and there’s no resistance to the battery’s from any of the grounds.
  12. My otter what did you find to be the problem ?
  13. Do you think we are dealing with 2 separate issues on the 3-4 code one being when it rains and the other at high load high speed ?
  14. I cleaned up the block ground and there was one on the frame rail right beside the block one that had 5 or so smaller wires going into it. I am not sure about the ground breaker on the firewall is it in the picture below ? When you say fuse panel is that the one on the top on the engine ?
  15. Joe, I have not checked grounds out side of what the 3-4 procedure calls for. On the 9-2 code diagram where does it call out the locations of the grounds ? BK-u-2.0
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