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  1. No idea I haven't taken a hub off (yet) But the levers move freely. I'll get a couple of pics of the levers.
  2. Brakes are killing me. One of the fronts was a bad leaker, so replaced all 8 diaphragms. Replaced rubber in 2 at the back. Tightened several loose fittings, they ran a ton of copper for the air lines. Caged one replacement pod that was locked up. The thing has practically no brakes. The brake levers move freely when disconnected from the pods. Pod rod moves when brakes applied when disconnected from lever, but when attached there's no movement when brakes are applied. We did pick up a container a couple days ago for a test lift. No problem with that part. The third stage boom has a hole in the line that needs repaired, but I'll have to wait till a brother returns from Wyoming next month to help trouble shoot stuff Local Tractor Supply has hyd fluid, 35.00 for a 5 gal can. I added 30 gallons just to bring it up over the "add" Mark on the stick
  3. My truck crane has 30/30 and 40/40 pods mixed on both drive axles, and are on alternate sides. You guys ever seen an application like this, or are they just replacements? Thanks
  4. I've had in my mind to get a single axle like this, I've already got a 50's equipment hauler in mind to match it up with
  5. Fortunately it's 15 hours from me, my wife's out of the country for another 3 months. I think shipping it would near double the price.
  6. The carry decks are highly useful, we use them constantly in the hanger
  7. That's a nice looking truck 😩
  8. Ya, I know. Seems like last year
  9. The pdf spec sheet says the lower engine is a 6-71. This looks like an 8 The original owner spent a ton of money on this in the late 90's. I have all the receipts and even the photos of when it was brand new coming in on a rail flat car. It's to bad who ever ended up with it just let it go
  10. I've crawled around looking for obvious leaks, I ran a couple of screws into one of the tanks, that got it so it will build up air, but no other obvious leaks. Airbrakes are a foreign language to me. One of mybrothers buddies claims to be an airbrake guru, I may have to have him look at it
  11. I am going to build a shipping container house, and renting at my work pace would have cost me a fortune. My brother said I am building a container house as an excuse to get a crane. The engine sizes I'm not sure about. The previous owner spent a bunch of money on tires and wheels, usually older trucks and equipment need tires first thing.
  12. Grove on a pierce carrier. Detroit up and down, 13 sp and 4 speed splitter. Runs good, but have to jump the starter and shut down under the hood. I'll prolly rig a cable for shutdown. Builds air, but loses it when the park valve is pushed in. The quick release valve was bad and replaced, but didn't fix it. I'm going to get the start issues first, then work on the brakes.
  13. I seen a bunch of these and internationals in vietnam, not as nice looking as the op's
  14. I had taken several pictures of this a couple years ago, then deleted my entire camera file on the phone 😭. Anyways I stopped by there and took a couple thru the fence. It's super clean, zero rust in the cab. Has the largest drum winch I've ever seen on the back The guy showing me around said it needed an engine He took me to another yard they had, the only thing of interest there was a 10 ton mack, missing the front drive shaft. I lost those pics at the same time as the others.
  15. Same, looking at cranes in canada, more boom for the buck they say. Thanks
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