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Everything posted by Robo987

  1. Thanks guys for your reply’s, this helps out a lot.
  2. Hey all. What are you guys doing for insurance on your Mack trucks, more specifically older ones that aren’t used commercially. What I have is a 1969 R611T and I have zero plans to use it commercially but the state of Wyoming says I can only register it as a commercial vehicle because if it’s size and weight. However I would like to drive it around and maybe haul something personal so I’m looking for insurance that is cheap but allows me to use the truck for more than a show piece. Any ideas?
  3. I dont drive to much, mostly depends on how many drivers we have around. But when I do drive it’s just silence. Even if you talk on it no one ever answers.
  4. I plan on emptying the tanks filling them with fresh fuel, changing the filters and add some BG fuel additive. Then just drive it around and see what that does for it. The bg stuff really good. It’ll clean everything up nicely.
  5. The heater does stuff but I haven’t got it hot enough to see if it blows hot. I’m also b not sure it the hot/cold is hooked up. My electric horn doesn’t work but I will get around to figuring it out.
  6. It’s a shame that people don’t utilize those anymore.
  7. I need to change fuel filters and put fresh fuel in mine. It runs but it’s not super happy about it.
  8. Yes this is an awesome forum! It’s great to have places with guys that have legitimate knowledge and not just spewing a bunch of backyard crap.
  9. I think just for the sake of keeping it as original as possible I’m going to keep it positive ground. This thing does have speakers in it it that I think went to a cb, I don’t think it had a radio. But I’ll cross that bridge later.
  10. I should have known that haha. the guy that originally bought this truck was very serious about his equipment and didn’t just go with anything. So it’s no surprise that it is setup the way it is.
  11. Yea I love when companies do that. Theses days tho your lucky if the parts store have anything you need on the self.
  12. Looks rough
  13. So yea these latches were readily available on Amazon for about $10. Thanks again for your insight.
  14. I’ll take whatever info and schematics you have. The more the merrier. I’ll get pics of the brakes chambers when I get a chance, I haven’t really looked at those yet. The brakes worked so I moved on to more pressing matters.
  15. Brattons has them and I think that’s about as close as I’m gonna find outside of an original latch. Unfortunately it says they are out of stock with no due date so I’ll keep an eye out. Thanks for the help!!
  16. The ones on watts are the same style but not the same as these matches.
  17. Yea one dates are definitely spam.
  18. That’s awesome thanks! Luckily my phone zooms in good enough to just make out most of it.
  19. I’ve been on the fence about changing it over to negative ground. I was surprised to see it was a negative ground. Trying to keep it as original as possible. i really like the light green, the dark green isn’t as appealing to the eyes IMO. I’ve worked on a lot of stuff but old trucks and equipment are not things that you come across often in a day to day mechanics job. At least in what I do. So some of this stuff is foreign to me and I learn new things every time I work on it.
  20. I would say that the ones that came once were pipe dream guys and the other ones that were regulars and are long gone either passed away or life just took priority.
  21. Would that alternator have been a 6v alternator? If that was even a thing. Because it at one point had to 6v batteries and was converted over to one 12v.
  22. I’m not sure if it originally came with that canister but if it did I’m glad that it has spin ons. That canister is hideous looking. Also I’m not sure about the alternator either. I do know it used to have 2 6v batteries and they switched it to one 12v. It also is a positive ground system.
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