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Everything posted by Robo987

  1. I hate hornets! As soon as it gets moved I’ll get the window fixed and start cleaning her up
  2. The seat not only was old but a couple of raccoons got in there cause the window is stuck down about 6in and they had fun and then died. Haha.
  3. It is in fact the ENDT673C. As for the transmission I’m not 100% on the exact model but it is a Mack 10 speed direct transmission. 5 speed with a two speed brownie. The truck was originally red and the original purchaser painted it white so I’m glad they kept the green interior cause I like it.
  4. Thanks! I actually work for this company now as one of their mechanics all because of this truck. Lol
  5. Overall it’s in good condition, there are obviously some things that will need attention but for the most part it’s really solid.
  6. Thanks. I keep updating as I go along.
  7. Just because it wouldn’t let me upload photos
  8. So today I finally got around to starting my 1969 R600. If you saw my previous post in the introduction section then you might notice that truck was finally moved from its spot where it sat for roughly 10yrs. The truck got drug out its hole and across the yard because it was not running and the wheels were obviously not going to turn. Not really what I wanted them to do but they were in the process of cleaning the yard because it is being sold and that truck was in the way and I was out of town so I was not there to help. The yard was a bit muddy so I highly doubt anything happened to it. So anyways got a battery and got the cables all cleaned up and turned the switch. At first the engine wouldn’t really turn over but I realized the pto was engaged and so it was just pulling the winch tight and not allow the engine to turn over. After that I got her cranking over good then it took a bit but she came to life. Didn’t drive it around or anything that’s for another day but at least she fired up and was running on all 6 cylinders with good oil pressure. She needs a little tlc but I’ll get it there.
  9. Thanks. When I get some time I’m gonna go check it out and report back.
  10. Well that’s definitely some good info guys so thank you all for your contributions. When I get some time I’ll check it out a little closer and see if I can find a number stamped in the frame. If it’s not there I guess I won’t worry to much about it.
  11. I looked on the frame but it probably wasn’t sufficient enough so I’ll have to check again. As for the door tag this is what it has on it.
  12. Well I just noticed I posted this in the modern Mack section oops. But thanks for the replies. I’ll check a little closer.
  13. Is it located inside the frame or on the top edge? Because I looked along the top of the frame and didn’t see it. It’s possible that it is covered with paint.
  14. So as some of you know I recently acquired a 1969 R600 and I noticed something that I thought was weird but I haven’t said anything about to anyone. We haven’t got around to getting the title and everything switched over to my name yet, which isn’t a big deal or anything. But I was in the truck looking at some stuff and looking for info and the old registration was sitting there so I picked it up and noticed that instead of the vin number it had the engine model # in its place. I found several other pieces of paper with the same thing including the original purchase paperwork. Was that a common thing they did back then or did someone screw up big time at the dealership back in 1969.
  15. Waste oil heaters are great if you can find enough used oil for them.
  16. I hear ya lol. My wife does the same thing. Her input is taken into consideration but mostly ignored on subjects such as this. There’s good in everything I do and spend money on. The bright side is im not blowing it at the bar or something like that. Also im not retired either so there’s that’s too. Lol
  17. Electric will be expensive for sure. You could do a propane forced air heater to knock the edge off.
  18. That’s a big garage. If you have gas just hook up a nice fancy gas heater.
  19. How big is your garage?
  20. I’m trying to get some of the big projects done while it’s cold so I can play a little more when it’s warm. Plus I’m not gonna try and start that thing when it’s been sitting so long and it’s cold out. I’m pretty sure it needs a couple of coolant hoses replaced as well.
  21. Thanks for the ideas. I have a list of stuff I’m gonna go through and check out before I attempt to start it. It’s cold here so it might be a couple of months.
  22. If fuel gels up in the filters it can plug them indefinitely. The paraffin from the fuel separates and gets stuck in the filter. Change filters and make sure you have fuel going where it needs to be.
  23. Take the wheel down to Napa and have them hit it with their special little paint match gun. It’s the easiest way and paint codes never match up with what you have.
  24. Thanks. Ill post up more detailed pics and info when I get it dug out. Can’t wait to get started on it.
  25. It does have some scratches and dings on the hood looks like from rocks but no major damage. As far as I’ve seen it doesn’t need anything major just tlc and maintenance stuff. Gotta get some fuel filters and throw some batteries in it and see if she’ll fire up here in the next couple of weeks.
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