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  1. Ahh, okay that makes sense.
  2. I'm going to look into this means of diagnoses. Thank you V.
  3. I looked up banjo fitting. I've seen those many times but I wasn't aware of the name. I mostly understand what your doing here but I'm not sure why the line has to return all the way to the fuel tank and not just a nearby jug, unless it is the length of the line that is useful for seeing the bubbles/foam? (Forgive me, I'm the curious type as I like to understand the process.) I'm going to show this to my mechanic, I suspect that he will find it educational info. Thanks Jojo!
  4. Thank you, that is very useful to know for monitoring this situation.
  5. Thank you. Typically this truck (route) pulls light loads on mostly level ground but peak season will (and is) definitely see the weight increase. I will be keeping close contact with the driver to monitor the situation. Worse comes to worse I will have to put the driver into another truck but I'm avoiding that as much as I can for a variety of reasons. The plan was for a replacement unit next year but we may not have that long.
  6. I'm going to ask my mechanic if an inspection will yield any useful info. Thanks all, I really appreciate the feedback.
  7. I assume you mean 90k but even still your point is well taken. I have been getting increasingly worried about this truck because of this issue seems to be slowly getting worse. The part that has confused me up to this point is the fact that it seemingly runs well once started.
  8. Thank you. We have 748K miles on this truck. I'm wondering if we can get another 35K ish out of it in its current condition. Not that I'm asking you directly, I'm just wondering out loud.
  9. Thank you, searching I found a thread on this topic. From my reading there it appears that if it is indeed the cups then solving this is probably not going to be the kind of solution I had hoped for, but I'm going to ask my mechanic for a price anyway. On another note I find the symptoms interesting because the loss of pressure is so rapid but yet does not appear to be an issue when the engine is running. I can feel the total loss of pressure at the primer pump until I stroke it a few times and then the pressure builds, I think it takes about 8 to 10 strokes to get it to the point where it is very stiff to push back down into the lock notch. Thank you fjh 🙂
  10. Greetings all, this is my first post on this forum. 2011 Pinnacle CXU 12.7L to the best of my current knowledge. The motor can be manually primed and will start almost immediately when this is done (when already warm, when cold it takes a little longer but that is to be expected). If the engine is not primed then the starting will be very protracted which is obviously not good. My do everything non specialist diesel mechanic has already replaced two fuel check valves to no effect. Current dialogue is either fuel pump or an injector problem. The owner of the truck just found a bulletin that states changing fuel pump won't help issue and something about a weep hole. Searching around I found something about a transfer pump. So needless to say I am at this point lost for a clue of what direction to go in. This truck must get sold next year anyway due to coming fleet rules but I need it to work reliably for this last peak season. Any help provided is greatly appreciated.
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