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Ricky Beals

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Everything posted by Ricky Beals

  1. Macks the hinges are solid. Got the weatherstripping ordered. Thanks for your replies
  2. Im getting ready to change fluid in the rears. Thinking of going synthetic 75-90 and have a few questions. If i drain all the oil there still has to be some old oil in there. This is not synthetic so will that hurt. now i cant get traditional 80-90 mobile for free. Is going synthetic worth it?
  3. I think i fgured out my bouncing problem. I was taking off in 1st in that loose sand was not getting traction. Dont know why the back passenger tire wasn’t turning. This happened again this morning and i immediately went to lo and problem solved. Hey Im a rookie.
  4. Mrsmarkpaul i dont really know the answer to your question. That rearend was bouncing. When that back tire was off the ground it seemed i was making little hopps forward. When i got out on the road and could watch everything that tire was not turning, the other three were turning and that whole rearend section was bouncing.
  5. I didnt see anything JoJo but it could have been and just shook out when i got back on road. Mrsmackpaul i didnt have a long skid mark. I could just see where the other three sets were digging down in the sand. Hopefully that never happens again.
  6. I had a stranf thing happen today. We were hauling gravel to a very sand soil area. I had just dumped and found an old woods road to turn around. Once i backed up my tires started to spin. I decided I better look for a better spot and as i started forward my tandems started jumping. I raised my bed and noticed the very back tires on passenger side were not turning. The other three sets were. I tried backing up and then going forward but the soft sand and that back passenger set of tires wasnt moving. I finally got back on the road but that back passenger set never moved. Got out made sure nothing was broke, slack adjusters were good. Got back in released parking brake and all four tires started moving. Any idea what happened? next question is how do the rears work. Do i have a power divider? Are the front set positive track and the rear set limited slip? I dont have a button inside to lock the axles.
  7. Also any leads on where i can get the rubber fender flares for hood
  8. I have a 2000 mack rd. im looking for the lighten bolt display. Mack dealer says it’s obsolete. Any leads would be appreciated. Tha ks in advance
  9. It worked and fit like a glove
  10. Can anyone tell me if the 1995 hoods on the RD are the same as a 2000. I busted mine up and have found one local
  11. JoJo what’s the stop cable for? I have it and one end is tied to the PTO on hydraulic pump and goes to rear of dump bed.
  12. I’m trying to see if my door weatherstripping needs replaced. Mine goes along the inside of frame but never comes over the lip. I have included a few photos. Also any idea on how to keep the window hardware from rattling like crazy inside the door.
  13. What do you guys carry in your dump trucks to help out in an emergency. I have hose connectors, vice grips, duck tape, crescent wrench. I’m not talking what DOT requires but things that you keep in truck for minor repair’s.
  14. So we are welding a 3/4” plate on back for pintle hitch. I have the gladhands that have a spring on them that seal themselves off when not hooked up. The gladhands have a female thread coming out of the back of them. What do people use to run through the 3/4” plate that will attach to gladhand and airlines but also go thru the 3/4” Here is a photo of gladhands for illustration
  15. You got a phone number? Contact info will be appreciated.
  16. JoJo that’s probably what I will do. Thanks for the heads up.
  17. JoJo I will be adding a trailer park button beside my tractor brake button. It’s part of the kit I ordered.
  18. Well I have called four dealers in the state of Arkansas and they don’t have the protection screen for radiator that sits behind the grill. The part number is BELRG-1929. Does anybody have a lead on one or an old one they are not using. I called the Starr truck salvage shop that was listed in classified’s but that number doesn’t work. Any leads would be appreciated. I have a 2000 RD688. Thanks Ricky
  19. Terry that would be a question for JoJo but I’m thinking those foot valve lines tie back into the tractor protection valve which will be under the cab.
  20. The trailer airbrake kit I’m buying from anything trucks says I have to connect to foot valve. Just doing my homework before I get started.
  21. What year rd’s interchange with each other. I have an 2001 688 and will be looking for some interior parts. How far back can I go?
  22. Can someone tell me where my foot valve is located on the 2000 rd688? Or how to find it. Thanks Ricky
  23. The place I work at has five rd690 that have been put out to pasture. They were all used as dump trucks and I have no idea what is wrong with them. Are these trucks worth anything other than scrap metal price?
  24. I know this is an old post but since I’m going to be doing this service wanted to ask a few questions. How much gear oil will it take to do the service. I have a 2000 rd 688 so should be same rearend. Also should I add the additive mentioned per carrier? Thanks.
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