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Ricky Beals

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Everything posted by Ricky Beals

  1. I got my CDL last year to drive a dump truck. I only drive in Arkansas and I got a class A CDL. I had to get a medical card before I could submit everything to the DMV for my license. now I looked at the 2000 Rd688 today and it wasn’t a bad truck. New tires all the way around. Had two wheel seals leaking. A small leak from a bad oring on front tandem axel. (Thanks JoJo.) The air gate latch cylinder that opens and closes the tailgate latch was missing and there was a hole in the muffler that ran under cab before it went into stack. No leaks in the motor, transmission. No blowby that I could see. You could tell it has been greased and I was told it was a county truck and they were good about maintenance. They wanted 26,500.00 as is. This truck was traded in two days ago and the dealership just hasn’t had time to get it ready for sale. I wanted the two wheel seals, oring replaced on rearend, latch cylinder added and plumbed back in to airlines and muffler fixed. General manager wouldn’t do it and I walked. Salesman called and told me general manager wouldn’t budge and I better think long and hard about letting 1,000.00 in repairs stand in the way of getting truck. So I’m thinking. AC doesn’t work, trunion bushings have to be replaced. What you think?
  2. I was told by an old mack log hauler to only use the clutch to change directions or from a complete stop. My only mack was a Maxitorque 9speed and it was easy to shift. I got to where I never used a clutch except changing directions or leaving from a stop. So do you use or not use a clutch? I also understand grinding ain’t finding the gear.
  3. I’m looking at the dump truck near my house and called my Mack dealer to get him to give me the Details from Vin. This is Mack dealer where I’m moving to. Somehow me and the parts guy hit it off when I went in last year. I give him the Vin and he says this truck got a 14000 pound axle and I’m like you got to be kidding. He says no I’m not but we just took a 2000 rd688 in on trade and it’s what your looking for. So he sent me the specs and it’s 18,000 front axle, Eaton fuller 8ll and mack rears. It was a customers truck and he says the truck has been maintained. They guy bought a new one with automatic. So I talked to sales manager and going down to buy it next week for 30,000.00 got 370,000 miles E7 350. Hopefully my search is over.
  4. Just called the owner which was a straight up guy on twin stick. He said the frame was rough. Said it was the weakest point on the truck. Going shoot me some photos but said if he were to keep it he would cut it out and weld in another piece. He also didn't know if it had a million miles or just 52,000. He was a straight shooter. More than likely I'm going look hard at the 95 Mack RD that I uploaded photos on. It needs a lot of little things but I think its a solid mechanical truck. Frame is solid, needs tires all around. Going back out there today and lift the bed and go over it a little more. Can buy it for around 12,000 and put some money in it and I thing may have an old workhorse. Any advice on checking those rearends or seeing if there is trouble in that area?
  5. How would someone even get a truck like that to Arkansas? It’s 11 hour drive from here so no way I’m driving it back.
  6. How do you shift a twin stick? Go to neutral with gear shift and then shift to high from low and then shift to fifth?
  7. That’s a long way from Arkansas and I don’t know how I would like the two lever transmission
  8. Ok I just looked at this 1995 RD 688 thats 5 miles from my house. The owner wasn’t there and Batteries were down so I wasn’t going jump it without him being there. It’s rough but can be bought for 11,000.00. I called the people that owned it (name was on side and they said it spent it’s whole life in a shell pit. It has lever controls on dump bed. Current owner says it runs and is mechanical sound. I’m going upload a lot of photos. Truck leaks at oil pan, has a leak behind filters on drivers side.
  9. Thanks 67Rmodel that was exactly what I was looking for.
  10. I don’t want to be banned from site but could someone educate me in what model International I should be on the lookout for? Seems like most have cat engines. Wouldn’t hurt me to gain a little more knowledge in this area.
  11. Thanks guys for the comments. 67Rmodel I appreciate the link but that’s a tad bit older than I would like and a long way from Arkansas. JoeH I’m going drive over in a couple of weeks to Baskins, they are about 2.5 hours away and look like they have a lot of trucks. I have looked at a few International trucks which are what we seem to have around here for sale. I don’t know a lot about big trucks in general. What little info I have on trucks are Macks. If the right truck came along yes I would buy but really want a Mack Here is a nice truck at Baskins that I would be interested in. https://www.baskintrucksales.com/Inventory/?/listing/for-sale/205883583/1997-mack-rd688-dump-trucks-heavy-duty-trucks?dscompanyid=7164&settingscrmid=362413&dlr=1 Here is a Granite they have and I know nothing about Granits but doesn't seem like a bad buy. https://www.baskintrucksales.com/Inventory/?/listing/for-sale/210642041/2005-mack-granite-cv713-dump-trucks-heavy-duty-trucks?dscompanyid=7164&settingscrmid=362413&dlr=1
  12. I don’t mind paying for a good truck, problem is these trucks are older and the good ones get bought by friends or folks in their circle. All three trucks I have looked at have been for sale by resellers. I need to try and find trucks for sale by individuals. Thanks for all the help. I’m a little more educated today than I was yesterday.
  13. First question I ask any seller is how is blowby. Especially if they are reselling the truck. THEY KNOW what we are talking about. The guy tells me I don’t remember it having any blowby. So I drive 3 hours today round trip and truck was in decent shape but I could tell wasn’t taken care of. Took off oil cap and she was puffing like a steam engine. I told the guy he wasted my time and just left.
  14. Ok going look at it this coming week. Going look at the frame and make sure it’s the thicker one, looking at the trunion bushings, spring leaf packs. Look for leaks in motor and transmission. Hopefully after I inspect it if I like what I see I will have a mechanic to look at it. What are some of the things you guys look at when buying a used truck?
  15. Where will it show that info? I will look at the truck next week.
  16. I called the Mack dealership I use and they stated based on the vin that truck came with the EAton Fuller 8LL transmission and it should have Mack 464 rearends. it isn’t double framed so should I keep looking?
  17. Terry isn’t the Eaton 8ll and Mack 9 speed very close to being the same.
  18. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1256263388224876/ hopefull this works. Is not double frame. Didn’t know that thought it was
  19. This truck is being advertised for sale on Facebook so I have no idea how to put the listing on here. Truck has decent dump bed, tri axle with a e7300, Eaton 8ll transmission and Mack rears. Has 560,000 miles and he is asking 26,500.00. I’m thinking 24,000.00 cash if truck checks out. Does this seem like a fair price for this truck? Try and upload photos tomorrow where service is better
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