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Ricky Beals

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Everything posted by Ricky Beals

  1. We talking a 2x4 piece of wood say 3’ long. Sorry to be anal but I have never seen this done so I’m trying to understand.
  2. I will look tomorrow but I’m thinking they are gone on both sets.
  3. Jojo when you say straighten the springs I’m guessing your thinking one end is bent toward opposite tire. (Just an example) and if that’s the case knock it back in line and then tighten the hell out of nut. what do you mean band clamp is an indicator for shifting springs? sorry guys this is my first truck and I’m about as green as a gourd.
  4. I’m not following you on this? Can you give a little more detailed please.
  5. I have a 2003 Mack Ch613 that has been converted to a dump truck. My steer axle springs are good but my bushings seem like they need replaced. When I’m loaded and I make turns that shift the load I can hear and feel a pop under my feet. I’m thinking my bushings are worn?
  6. Jojo I read a thread where you were going help someone hook up shop air to their dryer but they didn’t think they had one. With that said what do I need to do this? I have chronic tinnitus so looking for air leaks without the truck running is a big plus for me.
  7. Ok I got a chance to look at another Mack CH and I saw the two brackets you guys are referring to. I definitely don’t have them. I will work on finding them to install. When I bought this truck I knew it was a little rough. I’m basically fixing up some property that’s been in my family and building roads for the property. My ABS light is on and I’m thinking most of the wires to the wheels have been cut. Would you guys hook the abs back up. I personally don’t use it much on the road but to get fuel. More than likely I will be putting farm tags on it at renewal. With that said I also want to be safe and not cut corners especially if it keeps me out of a wreck.
  8. The bottom photo shows it running along the transmission and top rail by exhaust. I don’t see anywhere to attach it to the top of transmission. Do you guys think this will be ok with the exhaust this close. My only other option is to drop it down when it leaves the compressor and run inside frame rail to dryer but I’m thinking it will create a low spot this way.
  9. Mark what do you mean when you say lots of them switch to something else?
  10. Jojo got a question for you. Had an air leak on the 2003 ch613 and it was in the ss braided hose off the compressor. The guy before me had a 4’ ss braided 1/2”I’d hose connected to a 6’ hydraulic hose that was connected to dryer. I know the hydraulic hose was wrong. If I understand you correctly that -12 fits a 5/8 nylon braided hose correct. I’m wondering if I go to a Napa parts store they will know the correct hoses or do I need to go to a Mack parts store? Thanks Ricky
  11. I have a 2003 Mack ch613 that was converted to a dump truck. I’m replacing the line from compressor to dryer and it’s 80” long. I understand I need ss braided hose when I leave compressor but instead running whole length in ss braided is there something cheaper I can run after I leave compressor. I will run braided if needed but seems like overkill to go total run with braided. Thanks Ricky
  12. How do you reseal? Is there an Oring behind the glass thimble?
  13. Totally off topic but you guys will probably know. I noticed a small drop of coolant coming from that sight glass on radiator. I have the two piece where top is radiator and bottom is reservoir. This something that goes out regularly. Do people go back with original thimble type glass bulb?
  14. No sir I haven’t. I’m guessing that’s a problem for these. So basically that’s where the evaporator core is at?
  15. I just bought the truck and the guy that had it before me replaced the compressor and dryer. Ac wasn’t cooling good and we discovered the expansion valve was bad. We flushed the system and while waiting on expansion valve and thought we would replace the pressure switches just to be safe. I now understand the switch on dryer is binar. I didn’t know if the fan switch ( green colored switch) was bad to go out. Sometimes it easier to replace them now than later I reckon.
  16. We changed out the dryer, compressor and expansion valve and figured we would change them out. Parts guy kept saying it only had one pressure switch so I set to try and figure it out. Joined this forum and figured someone knew. I sure appreciate your help jojo. Do most folks change them out or is it waste of money? They ain’t bad but figured it was best thing to do.
  17. New member here and first post. I have. 2003 Mack Ch 613 day cab. On the dryer for the AC there is a pressure switch and below it on a line is a green colored plug that has a schrader valve behind it. Any ideal what this plug is. Hopefully the picture loads
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