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    western PA

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    Trucks, Harleys, fishing and any kind of machinery
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  1. Hi John. Welcome to BMT. Nice FL. Keep us informed of your progress.
  2. Great looking R model, Bill Personally I was never fond of moose bumpers. Just too big and bulky looking. I kind of liked these bumper grill guards. They are smaller and come in chrome, which will help in the bling dept. If you don't have a screen on your hood, maybe this would work
  3. Been following BMT for about a year and decided to join. I'm from western PA. I'm retired after 48 years trucking and have driven many Macks - B's, R's, F's and CH's. I was a O/O from '73 until '87 and never owned a Mack, but always wanted a V-8 Superliner and priced them a couple of times, but it didn't happen. I really enjoy reading all the posts, especially the vintage iron and the rebuilds 👍😊
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