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  1. I have 2000 ch613 e7 460. The other day electrical malfunction started flashing 1-3 times then goes off. It does not stay on to get a code. Only does it driving in the last 2 high side gears. I have checked coolant, vss on tranny. Sensor in bell housing. Any help be appreciated
  2. My coolant temp gauge not working. Where would the sensor on 2012 mack mp8 be located? Does it have 1 or 2 sensors? thanks in advance
  3. Have 2012 CHU that the air solenoid on frame for fifth wheel slide not getting air to fifth wheel. Found air line plugged to fifth wheel. Still no air, replaced air valve solenoid still not air. The switch in cab has power to switch just no power leave switch to air valve to allow air. Is there a safety feature im missing i need to be doing for power to leave switch? Or maybe the switch is bad? Thanks much for any help on this
  4. Thanks for all the responses.
  5. 15k its a deal i think
  6. Just meaning could it lil longer. I have 2 of those now with way less miles.
  7. Any opinions more much appreciated im looking at a 2000 613 with 460 18 speed 860,000 miles original motor. Never been touched. Truck been one owner since new. Truck is tight to be 2000 model. No oil usage and no blowby. Well maintained considering truck was worked. Question- what could one expect to get out of truck before in frame or overhaul?
  8. Got 96 ch613 E7 350 mechanical. Engine will flutter at 1500-1600 rpms only at operating temp. Does not flutter until gets to operating temp. Sounds kinda like helicopter. Can drop below 1500 or go above 1600 rpms and it stops. Have checked for leaks installed new filters etc. Has anyone had this same issue?Im not sure where to look next any help be much appreciated.
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