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  1. now i finally see what all the fuss is about. that hings got a face only a mother could love. ..........and even that might be a bit of a stretch. that thing doesnt even begin to look like a mack. the seller did get one thing right though...............none of my buddies drive anything like it...........and probably wouldnt speak to me if i did. i would love to see some interior pics of that "big rig dash" though. slim
  2. hmmmm sounds like a lot of operator error to me. the excavating company i worked for ran a cat 953 highlift, and we used it all the time to load both our single axle r model dump ( 3 passes and i was heaped ) and to load our triaxle, it would handle the job on level ground no problem. I dont ever remember sideboards gettin ripped off with that machine or the trucks gettin hit. now gettin loaded with the excavator was always a different story. for some reason they tended to knock the sideboards off the r model dump i drove on a regular basis........or if the bosses kid was loadin and he couldreach it he was fondof grabbin your tailgate and shakin ya around a lil till he was sure he'd spilled you coffee all over yourself. i always prefered to get loaded by the highlift, was always faster and a lot less eventful lol. we had a couple of the finest operators i have ever seen though. I have always been a fan of the 953's great mid sized machines, and with a good operator capable of movin a lot of dirt in a day.
  3. i love it. i really do. r models are my favourite trucks on the road hands down, and i sure do love chrome and lots of it. but i kinda think its a lil overdone too. it seems kinda like they just stuck whatever they had wherever they had it. personally i woulda toned it down a lil bit. but still an AWESOME OLD !!!
  4. wow the old killer b is lookin pretty darn good. i didnt make it up to the fair in time for the drag races that day, but i was there for the pull and the old macks sure put on a good showing. i've been watching this truck pull for a while now. she sure is a sweet ride. i hope ill be seeing it around again in 09
  5. WOW GREAT PICS I always liked seein yosts trucks when I'd be down there for a rodeo. I remember seein an RD like the one in the pic, maybe it was the same one, all I can say is its one mean lookin truck.
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