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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by BOBWhite

  1. Oops I got my Fords and Chevys mixed up I meant 250.
  2. Where and why on earth would you want one? Sure there is the cool factor, but I think the E9 beats it out in any V8 coolness comparison 😉 For 20k to 60k you could buy several E7s and weld them together if you really want a monster engine!
  3. Would that 292 happen to be carbureted or fuel Injected? Does it have the integrated head/exhaust manifold like the later 240s we had here? And what in the world is swan water? Dad had a C10 pickup that was one of the last years for the 240 before they went to the V6. Was great on the highway with the limited slip but I think that odd intergrated head cracked and took it out of commission.
  4. The first field job dad had us do was steer the pickup in 4-LO while the crew picked up bales. We were some of the last to do small square bales as my grandpa preferred them over round bales. Dad got out of hay before I got old enough so I never partook in bale bucking.
  5. Looks like a sharp truck! What are your plans with it? If it's only going to be used in parades and slow speed stuff I would just keep the original rims and tires, when kept out of the sun these old tires can last a long time. If you're planning on working it then new tires and rims are probably a good idea, just be ready for the bill. Do you know what town/district this truck originally served in?
  6. The EPA is always a great threat when it comes to this kinda stuff, makes you wonder what their budget is. A little bit goes a long way when it comes to anhydrous especially when the air is dry. When our local station has to bleed out the air or burp the system (it was explained to me why and I've since forgotten) the whole town gets a good whiff but its not as bad if they do it after a rain or when the ground is wet. I've heard some of these anhydrous plants have problems with meth heads breaking in and steeling the stuff too (idk what they make with it). One guy drilled a hole through the bottom of a tank to steal some and was frozen completely solid when they found him.
  7. I believe it was either the 351 or the 401 but it very well could have been the giant 478. We didn't use it for many years and I don't remember why we parked it. They had a diesel version of them too, my uncle told me that they built the gas motor around the design of the diesel instead of the other way around like the 5.7 Olds.
  8. International Harvester was the only company that had a line of equipment that could go from the field to the elevator. A Combine to harvest, a tractor and grain cart to take it away and a truck to haul it into town all built by the same company. Loadstars are really the only grain trucks left in this area with hardly any GM or Fords still around. Our 1969 Loadstar only gets used for filling up the drills now but it wasn't too long ago when that was our only means of getting grain to the elevator. Speaking of scouts; Some IH dealers would throw in a scout for free whenever a farmer bought a top on the line combine or 4WD tractor. Now they only leave you with the phone number of the mobile mechanic and that's it!
  9. Boy your right about the frame channels! I went and took a pic of another twin screw parked by my house for a size reference and they look about 1/2 the size.
  10. I completely agree I don't think any foreign country has any business buying U.S. Farmland. Although China produces almost all of the pesticides and fertilizers so they practically do own the land. Anhydrous is so expensive now you can easily blow 20k on a field. I heard its even worse in Australia
  11. Maybe metaphorically with Smithfield and other grain giants but China really owns less than 1% of our total farmland. Interestingly Canada is the largest foreign owner of American land with most of that being forest land.
  12. A quick google search answered my transmission question: https://www.wanderlodgeownersgroup.com/downloads/1965AllisonMTBrochure.pdf Great truck with a great engine, All forged internals! Any idea was the PTO knob on this truck runs/ran?
  13. We have a GMC grain truck with a V6 (non running) and an Allison with that 3rd retarder type petal. Not sure mechanically how it works, does it reverse the pump or lock up the converter for engine braking? Could it even work like the early Cats brake saver? I'm guessing something to do with the oilfield the the extended bumper like that, however many of the old trucks around here with automatics worked as mixer trucks in feed-yards or silage cutter operations.
  14. I wonder If it would be more like a Hi-Lo range than an auto shifting transmission. I've seen some older motorcycles with automatic transmissions like this, Honda might have had something like it on their early cars too.
  15. Wow I never even knew Spicer made an automatic, can't even find anything on google about them. Must of been a real junk transmission if everyone forgot about them.
  16. Probably the late 1960s or 70s. Macks large haul trucks had Allison autos as an option. As the the R model specifically I have no Idea. Some old timers optioned out their last truck with an automatic before they retired, kind of as a luxury I suppose. Welcome To BMT!
  17. Have you operated a mechanical E6 or E7 before? They may not have the numbers the modern engines do but at least their numbers are more than just a value in a computer. My dad, who hasn't had much exposure to electronic engine, was very impressed with the little E6. He said it felt like the whole truck was going to flip over if it had much more torque! Pulling out a muddy field with an old Mack is a sight to behold!
  18. If you're interested in swaps and conversions I'd look into getting one of those Edison electric kits when they come out. Sure you'd have to wire in the engine and hybrid system but then you'd be getting a truck that'll get 10+ mpg and a ton of power and torque. I know some purists would kill me but I'd really be interested in seeing an Mh with the Edison system. Coolest looking thing on the road and getting the best MPG would be a dream!!
  19. Programing electronics will be a nightmare! Those computer modules cost a fortune and then you need to figure out or find someone to tune them. MH's are known for having some wiring gremlins as are most fiberglass construction vehicles, but it's ok when they have the mechanical engines. Just to have an engine harness made that could reach all the way into the cabin of a cabover (unless maybe you can find a euro cabover harness) would be at least 5-10k. I'll go slow and take the old E6 engine any day!
  20. BOBWhite

    New Volvo

    Do these vacuums come in cordless and battery? Oh wait those are trucks
  21. I love that song! I used to play that in my Corvette before too much stuff broke on the thing. There at the end I had to start it with a screwdriver. Definitely the farmers sports car!
  22. Welcome aboard! What on earth do you haul that weighs that much?
  23. Yeah I'd say so. Bad parts counter service is almost entirely the fault of the company's system and training not the individual employee (although sometimes the guy might just be an a hole). And to be fair, getting yelled at by old farts all day ought to get old when its the system that's at fault. Welcome to the site as well! Hope we can get a scoop as to what's going on behind the counter!
  24. Looks pretty flimsy but knowing me I'd try to do something dumb with it. Be cool to mount on the back of a pickup and have your own cheep crane.
  25. Sorry this fell through the cracks! Did you ever figure anything out?
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