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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by BOBWhite

  1. Whatcha carrying in the cigarette pack?! lol that's what I've heard these sleepers been called. Looks like the mercury sleeper on my International truck except with matching lines and all. Who manufactured these? Id hate to bail out of one of these quick with doors that small. Id be sure to put out any cigarette before I went to bed for sure!
  2. People who live in the real world figured out that eliminating gas/Diesel engines isn't really possible. Modern diesels are so clean that this hybrid setup would be cleaner than running a full EV that's coal powered. I'd like to see this system put on an old mack with an E6 or E7. Keeping those engines at the same RPM and load all day would probably double or triple the life of the engine while getting 15+ mpg!
  3. Surprised there isn't any damage from shrapnel going into other the cylinders. Where would you source new pistons and liners? PAI doesn't seem to have E9 stuff available anymore.
  4. Maybe he's not senile just evil: Bidens nothing but a cover up.
  5. Looks like a lot of weight to be moved by a 210hp 3208 Also what a muffler! I guess you wouldn't want hot exhaust near the back with the fuel. Looks like a giant and inverted VW Beatle muffler.
  6. I've always wanted to travel to the big truck or tractor shows but it seems to far in either direction. Also I'm getting pretty tired of these AI generated accounts. You can feel they're not quite human and always have some sort of link that's likely a scam. I fear for the day when we'll no longer be able to tell who's human and not. Most importantly: NEVER CLICK ON ANY LINK BY THESE ACCOUNTS EVER!!
  7. I never remember that on my Mh, are they different? I never noticed the Superliners steering box either. Probably not much room for the box inside the frame with the v8 in there though. Front ends and suspensions are definitely not my area of expertise, especially the newer stuff. We still run trucks that don't have front brakes
  8. Yeah something doesn't look right about this pic of the front end either. Shouldn't there be some sort of upper control arm?
  9. What little ground water there is in my area isn't great so not much expansion in the last 20+ years. Housing is so cheep about all you need is a pulse to find a livable one. Visited a friend who lives by Wichita the other day and wow that's too fast for me!
  10. OOPS! I was the one who misread! He said he wasn't getting airflow through and didn't say anything about heat
  11. Back flushing the heater core with a garden hose has always helped me get my heater back. Putting too much pressure on the heater core can cause it to pop and make a big job.
  12. I spy lots of Cat parts as well!
  13. On a lighter note this came in the other day! Old cast iron manifold cracked into a million pieces on my FJ40
  14. Still got a few decades before I have to worry about anything like that. Who knows If it will be any use by then with the way government programs are.
  15. I wonder what Vlad or anyone else from over there would have to say about that. Ignoring politics, I think we ought to be thankful for a whole lot. The weathers nice and we're not living through a dust bowl!
  16. Mack rears! Looks like a nice truck! If it has a Mack transmission that might be something to look out for. Not a bad transmission but finding the parts and people who know how to rebuild them can be tough on a short notice. Best of luck
  17. I take a pic of this guys E9 Superliner every time I pass by. Wish I could watch it pull out of this mud fully loaded Ran across this guy too:
  18. It might hang gears and be a slug without a modulator. Is it vacuum modulated or is it supposed to have a linkage to the throttle?
  19. I've only seen V12s in the choppers that come though town every summer and fall. I've heard stories about how tough those 12V71s are. Taking out pistons at sea and running them with only 11 cylinders and such. Can't wait to see this rig run!
  20. Maybe it would be like the 7.6 Duramax they had for awhile in box trucks and Topkicks. Like you said the chassis is the main limiting factor so why bother unless they are bringing back the Topkick or similar chassis with air brakes. I've seen pickups and suburbans with the 8.1 vortec but have never driven or towed with one. Maybe they'll bring that back too...
  21. I've never had to heel toe in anything but a car., even then I wear boots all the time so it's not all that effective. You can use the hand/trailer brake but that might require a 3rd hand.
  22. Welcome aboard!
  23. Good to see some newer stuff here! Do you think you could be getting air somewhere in the system? I'd start with checking fuel pressure then move on to using clear fuel line to see if you're getting any air bubbles though. Western Truck and Tractor Repair on YouTube recently did a series on a similar problem on a Paccar motor, that could be helpful if you're trying to diagnose it yourself. Best of luck!
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