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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by BOBWhite

  1. We never had the facilities to hang ours up in the cool. We would get a clean shot through the head then someone would run and quickly cut the jugular while the heart was still beating to get most of the blood out. We would hang it up using a bale bed or hoisted it up through the rafters of a shed to do the quartering. Definitely not professional butchers by any means but man it tastes good. Haven't done hogs yet but my neighbor had one of those large hog processing pots. They seem close to impossible to find.
  2. $20 to $50 and up can get you a deer tag some years, in my state that is. We really like jerky so that's what we do with ours if we get a deer. I live in beef country so some ranchers will call us if they have a broken leg cow they can't sell. We get beef cheep or free but it takes a lot of work to butcher right. I've been stuck eating a lot of tuna lately, even here meat prices get pretty pricey.
  3. Do you know how much an original in good condition might be worth? I couldn't even find an original online after some digging. And to think we about chucked the sleeper on our truck when we first bought it! Didn't mean to throw the tread off topic. Hope someone buys them both to keep them together as siblings.
  4. I saw those two the other day but I'm 6 hours away and don't have anything to haul them. Plus all the unobtanium parts that I might have to track down. Ive got a mercury sleeper on my Transtar but haven't thought much of it. If people are crazy about them maybe I should evict the mice from it...
  5. Whats wrong with it that it should be replaced? Unless you just want a spare. Most of the starters of that vintage can be rebuilt a thousand times over.
  6. Most of the older Macks around where I live are manure spreaders. I want to snag one if a nice one comes up, ever since the DEF stuff came out the price of anhydrous has gone through the roof. With 3-5 Tons of manure per acre you can whip any old land into shape. All with Mack power! That will be the dream!
  7. Can you still get quality lifters for these? I would hate for some sub par Indian or Chinese lifters to wipe out an irreplaceable cam.
  8. Some companies still make rebuild kits for these.
  9. Whoa what a rig! Welcome to the forum! I look forward to learning more about this Mack. I personally don't know all that much about these early 20s Mack but there is a wealth of knowledge on here you can learn from.
  10. Is one end closed by metal or rubber? If its rubber and there are no holes at one end (like for a wing nut) I don't see the harm of running a filter with one closed end if it's the same size and fits. Although I do remember our Mh using a two open ended filter. I think there might be a port or plug on the filter cover for an ether system so that might be blocked if you use a different filter. Good luck!
  11. The Off Topic section has recently past the General Discussion section in number of posts. I think we all like a good story. Here is a Feed/Hammer mill that we recently got running again:
  12. Washboarded dirt roads and spring ride are most of what I've dealt with so more horsepower just wastes more fuel. Since all I've used a big rig for is hauling around equipment and grain I can't say I've ever even gotten up to over 65. I'd like to see one of those 6.7 or 6.6 high output motors in something like a tractor and keep a load on it for 14 hours or so.
  13. Not much more flow you can get out of an only 2 valves per cylinder although I've heard some say they pull just as good or better than the later 4 valve E6. More fuel will just add to EGT and smoke out of exhaust. Plus the bottom ends of the E6's are made only as strong as they need to be and not much more. I've heard of crank shafts snapping.
  14. Tread lightly when tuning an E6 especially a 2 valve.
  15. Yep more pictures. Its probably an early E7 if it's not an E6. Every E7 I've seen has the Bosch P pump and this doesn't look like a P Pump.
  16. Hard to believe that truck is the same year as my IH Transtar. Looks like an old school truck in the days of old school trucks...
  17. As far as I know yes. Every brochure I've seen calls the E9s Econodynes but I wasn't even around for the E9's reign so Im not the one to ask.
  18. looks good at cleaning carpet!
  19. Anyone know if tip turbine engines were ever used for marine use? I would think that an intercooler on the engine would be nice on something that doesn't have a traditional radiator like in marine or irrigation motor use.
  20. This guy has been doing some great video's on Mack engines that I thought I'd share. A whole new generation now knows about about the tip turbine engines.
  21. I wouldn't order a truck without a manual transmission unless I had to. And if I had to pick an automatic I'd try and pick a REAL automatic like an Allison. Automated manual transmissions might be more efficient but with the complexity I don't see how they'd make sense in the long run.
  22. I've heard that about the Paccar and Cummins engines. Choked up on the emissions stuff all the time its not hard to see why
  23. Not going to make it to the main event but I went through Pratt and took some pictures while they were setting up the show. Not much to see but I sure do love this B model! Hope I can meet the owner someday.
  24. I think either Oliver or maybe White also used Hercules diesels in their tractors. I wonder if the manufacturer casted the manifolds with their name in or if the manufacture did. Did someone in the past do this just to screw with us?!
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