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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by BOBWhite

  1. Just 30 feet but the original design was for 24 feet, John Deere stretched it out but that made the middle always crack or break. My dad's made cowboy candy before with our garden peppers. Not the biggest fan but what else can you do with them.
  2. Welp rained for the past 4 days. Still need to get some wheat in but I don't think it'll ever dry out now. Header auger cracked so at least I had some downtime to weld it back up. just needs to hold a bit longer... Anyone else have a better Friday?
  3. Thought of him when I saw this V8 Mh for sale. Wish he was still around
  4. Nice lookin garden! Tractor parade sounds fun too, would love to drive my Farmall cub in one someday. Just starting to get green beans from our garden, only have got one tomato so far but many more are on their way. Peppers are coming on strong but the soil around here's make's them so terribly hot that you cannot do much with them. The dog made a tunnel underneath the tomato plants and now all of our animals spend the whole day in there.
  5. Looks fun! Trying to get through this mess, rains came too late and the weeds keep coming. 13.7 moisture and 57 test weight so I can't complain too much about what little wheat there is. Lookin like there's not going to be a day off for me anytime soon!
  6. Thats funny stuff whomever he meant!
  7. I forgot to mention the purple people eater Alis Chalmers engine was there! I've always wanted to see that engine, I grew up around Allis Chalmers tractors and used several gleaner combines and always liked the engines on them.
  8. Beautiful Mh and F models. Good to see a Marmon there too!
  9. I would say the same. Unless you deleting it or heavily modifying it, different exhaust manifolds won't make much of a difference.
  10. Is the TCM still on the vehicle or did it get removed? How are you hooking up the speed sensor into the 13 speed? I'm not a computer or swapping expert but I've heard about people leaving the transmission control module in the vehicle when they swap in a manual and just tricking the computer into thinking that it still has an automatic. It only revving to 1400 kinda sounds like this might be the case if the computer thinks it's in neutral it may not let the RPM's go over 1400. Best of Luck
  11. Looks like a newer JCB Fastrac. The ones the rich farmers use for their grain cart tractors. To me I don't understand why they have to be styled that way. The aero look works for a truck, but for slow speed tractors and haul trucks why not just make it square and better looking? It's not going to hurt fuel usage any, and with the older design it won't be damaged as bad if you hit something.
  12. I always loved this ad but could never find a copy online with a good enough quality to read the text. I decided to try my hand at redoing all the small text to make it legible. I'm sure I made some mistakes and I don't know how well it will show up on the sight, but on my end the text looks much better!
  13. These days, yes there's no way they could make such a thing under Volvo. However from the 50s-70s they build top of the line off road haul trucks. They probably canned it due to high oil prices and lack of market but man it would have been cool to see them stick with it and be a competitor with Cat and others. Plus they made a convoy of trucks that made it all the way to the DEW line. Would like to see Peterbuilt/Kenworth top that!
  14. My advise would be to shoot for the moon! $50,000 is what I see people list them as and as long as you don't need to get rid of it in a hurry I say why not.
  15. Like injection parts for a 3406B or a truck with a 3406B? On the chance that it Is a Bosch pump and not an Ambac those are real easy to find people and parts to rebuild them. Why do you think your pump needs rebuilt?
  16. He would have to take the radiator and hood out wouldn't he? That alone would have taken me a day or two. These wouldn't have roller or hydraulic lifters would they? How exactly do they fail? Just delaminate and come apart?
  17. Here is a chart of the later R reduced speed engine's so I would think it would be something similar: I'm not sure what year they came out with the Reduced speed engines but 61 seems too early. Im thinking it could be something in the governor that's stopping the rack from going to full or maybe the shut off cable isn't adjusted right or isn't releasing all the way. Much speculation
  18. Was nice to see my grandpa and family for Memorial Day. He got drafted into Korea and spent his time in Japan, his stories are priceless!
  19. Went out to my uncles to see some family for Memorial Day. Walked over to our old Mack we sold him, I don't know how I never noticed this but someone before us took out the air bags for the cab and put metal spacers. Well no wonder it rides so rough!! Shouldn't they look more like the ones in the other pic? I might be all wet but I thought all Mh's came with air ride cabs from the factory. Where could someone find a set of these bags and shocks? Also I never noticed that someone took out the Mack Transmission that was original to the truck and put an Eaton in sometime in its past. I really didn't pay much attention to the truck when we had it I guess!
  20. https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/topic/62509-bought-a-1983-mack-mh-613-and-need-a-touch-of-help/?do=findComment&comment=452410&_rid=32227 Here is a link to a thread where a guy had a simular situation and I think he finds and cross references the part numbers for the u joints. Check this thread out and see if you can find anything.
  21. Do you have a picture of the engine tag? Some models of engine were governed at reduced speed for fuel efficiency. Check the engine tag to see if it's one of those engines. I'm not sure about how to increase the speed but id be very weary of messing with the injection pumps on Mack engines.
  22. Wow that things slick! Ive never looked but since its a Ford you probably can find all the manuals and PDF's online for it. Love your Allis Chalmers too!
  23. Those Paccar (DAF) engines sure are quiet. Saw a guy on YouTube take one all the way down and I'm not too impressed with stuff like plastic oil pans among other things.
  24. Vacuum gauges sure are handy for stuff like this. They are your best friend for carbureted engines like this.
  25. They no longer hold the most powerful v8 truck anymore. A Chinese company called Shacman now makes a 800hp V8 truck. Don't know much outside of that.
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