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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by BOBWhite

  1. https://www.boekeandsons.com/Inventory/?/listing/for-sale/214992953/1985-mack-mh613-cabover-trucks-w-slash-sleeper-heavy-duty-trucks?accountcrmid=10904325&settingscrmid=10904325&dlr=1 I think it's a fair price if the truck looks as good as the pictures show, same sight has a 1980 Freightliner cabover with a Detroit for 20 grand more (who in there right mind would buy that). How did these ride with the taper leaf suspension? Is it hard to convert them to air ride?
  2. Those newer carbs that Kohler uses are POS in my opinion. I couldn't ever get them to run very good but they are very cheep, $12 on amazon for a new one. I don't have very good luck with carbs anyways.
  3. I tell ya if I got a hold of one of those new Volvo engines I'd take great pleasure blowing it to bits.
  4. Is that picture in the Mack museum? I wonder how it escaped and why they didn't keep it and use it for an advertising campaign. Its just odd And I didn't realize that Mack had made so few trucks in 86 years, Henry ford build a million in 2 or 3 years
  5. I wonder what "The One Millionth Mack" means
  6. Does it have a Bendix? Ours always pukes oil into the tanks but we haven't had much problems with it building air
  7. Yep the code talkers could never be broken. My mom taught her first years as a teacher down on the Navajo reservation in Arizona, she took classes from one of the original WW2 code talkers. But Navajo isn't taught to kids much down there anymore so it's likely the language will disappear soon.
  8. I'd work for ya If I lived closer Joey. You learn to be a good grease monkey having to grease at least 100 grease zerks a day cutting in the summer and fall.
  9. They're in just about the same boat as us with China taking all of their industry away and regulation taking the rest. After the bubble burst in the 1990s Japan has never really gone back to their former glory.
  10. Looks like it doesn't have a Mack rear end, wonder what transmission it has. Can you tell by the vin?
  11. Why they put calcium in such a small garden tractor for weight is beyond me. Anyways Its probably a 5 lug rim on the back isn't it? those are probably easier to find than the front. The front might require some fabrication of a good rim or maybe another brand used the same rim or you could put on steels if you could find a small set
  12. Heres the other Mack, both the same green
  13. Yeah it has a big chain driven winch, another first for me. Here is the link to the other mack if anyones interested: https://www.bigiron.com/Lots/1945MackEG2TonCabChassisTruck Both look like good projects if anyone needs one! also I was wondering, when did Mack come out with top down diffs? both of these don't have them so do they have a different manufactured rear axle or did Mack come out with the top down rear axles later?
  14. https://www.bigiron.com/Lots/1945MackEFU3DoorCrewCabChassisTruck I found this Mack for sale and was wondering what exactly it is, and what it was used for. I'm guessing it has something to do with the oil field or maybe telephone company work. Military maybe? This guy has a lot of old cars and car parts for sale including a 1945 Mack EG. Ive never seen anything like it...
  15. Not to derail here but what all do you farm In Australia? And what machinery do you guys run over there? Your right about commodity prices are rising, $14 per bushel of wheat right nows nice but to come out even you would need probably more than 30 bushes per acre which I really don't think we have the rain for. Anyways I heard somewhere that the def shortages have hit Australia hard with their main supplier China cutting back on exports of the stuff. You seen any difference?
  16. Kansas farmer here and He's right. Our Anhydrous ammonia bill this year was higher than it has ever been, and we only did one field. The supply of Round Up and other fertilizers and chemicals we use on our no till farm has dried up, our suppliers said they simply cannot get it. The Kansas wheat production has also gone down due to the lack of rain but there isn't much we can due about that. Def shortages won't do anything to us, but the custom cutters that roll through here use a huge amount of it that they have to bring in because the closest supplier is an hour away. I might have said this before but the Def requirement I think is the biggest scandal in U.S history. Blue sky is (I believe) the biggest producer of Def in this country and when it was signed into law in 2010 can you guess who the biggest shareholder of the company was? Obama and company. They need to be put behind bars for that.
  17. Both the 9 and 13 speed have the same 11 hole bolt pattern but I would check your transmission to see. I think the 11 hole pattern is a SAE standard but I am not sure. The input shafts might be different but I can't tell https://www.pgttruckparts.com/mack-transmissions-s/2822.htm This is the web sight I look at, Don't know if there any good or not
  18. I miss when we used to get MeTv here. Saturday morning cartoon and all the other good shows, Perry Mason would put me to sleep on the couch at night. Old shows and sitcoms had better music as well, still find myself humming those toons.
  19. Glad we bought at least 5 boxes of 30-06 when bullets were still cheep. Won't last long but I wished we would have gotten more reloading gear now that its impossible to find
  20. Looks like we need to wax ours! $15,000 isn't bad these days although we bought ours for $3000 during the recession. Would look good hauling grain
  21. Had the same thing going on with our 1985 mack, Is the truck a mouse nest? I'd bet its the wiring harness if that's the case but check oil pressure and everything else before you listen to the computer. Best of luck
  22. Maybe its just something that men just don't grown out of lol. And the tag says delivered March of 70 so id guess its somewhere around there unless that's just the pump.
  23. Maybe I'm just not very mature yet but I went to a graduation party and couldn't help myself from going and crawling all over this Mack firetruck: No idea what year it is but would love to see it in operation, Any still in operation in your area?
  24. Mack was a company by the people for the people. Each day we all get older and our numbers decrease, although the trucks may live on forever we will not. Some people want to treat this forum as a personal forum I say let em, family to family as friends are to friends.
  25. I thought it was 1985 to 1989, but with model year and actual year it probably was 1984 for the 1985 model year or something like that
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