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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by BOBWhite

  1. Its a great motor but Ive heard bad things about the later ones with the 6 individual injection pumps (forgot what that was called) I don't know much about the newer ones but the old ones were great motors. A rebuild at only half a million is kinda odd but depending on what it did before that could be normal. The big problem with Macks is that the parts price, and service Is almost as bad as Cat these days, especially since Volvo took over so keep that in mind.
  2. Yeah for me if it doest have blow-by and it has good oil pressure leave it alone. In my unprofessional opinion bearings don't need to be replaced unless it's knocking. Ive seen bearings come out of million mile motors look new so as long as you use good oil and filters I say keep running em
  3. Right now it pays more to be on welfare and WIC than working 14+ hours a day for $10 an hour. Have enough kids and the government will take care of the rest of it, raise them up to be good lazy communists and repeat the cycle to ruin a nation. Times are about to get tougher
  4. Wouldn't it be cheeper in the long run to do the whole engine at once than just the bottom end? Most in-frame kits come bearings, liners, pistons, and all so why not just get a whole new engine while you still can
  5. Went and saw the old Mack today. Uncle did a real good job of vacuuming all the mouse nests out of it and repaired a lot on it. Be nice to have it now with fuel being $5 a gallon and all. She looks rough but at least she's being used.
  6. $2,300 is too much for a bargain for me. Its worth it but I don't need it.
  7. True but our semi with the cat 1693 gets about that on a good day and only has 300 horse power. And now that fuels so expensive Ive polished everything up and parked it so even if I can't drive it I can still look at it.
  8. Yeah $70,000 sounded like a lot then but now it'd be a bargain!
  9. You must get rain there if you have those fat tires on your sprayer there, ours and all the other one's around here have the skinny and tall tires. Nice stainless steel tank too, so much better than the plastic crap ones. How much weight you hauling when everything full and loaded?
  10. This guy in my town does a bob white quail call every time he see's me so that's what I named everything online
  11. that's about what would have guessed. cat paints them gold for a reason
  12. https://www.bigiron.com/Lots/CaterpillarEngineServiceManuals I might regret posting this but if these go cheep I might have struck gold! Anyone know how much these are when they were new? Thanks
  13. They're not bad I just don't understand why you'd want to split the low gears if you're ever going to go on the highway with hills.
  14. Update: $12,000 with 4 days to go. A lot less than I'd thought it'd be but maybe there all watching and waiting. And of course the lucky ones down under can still go and pick one up brand new
  15. Are you looking for a 5 speed manual or automatic? finding a manual transmission clutch and flywheel for these engines in North America might be costly.
  16. wow that's a lot of info! Thats time and money well invested in my opinion! And I know that $40 isn't that bad when your considering that it might take 10 grand in parts to restore it, but I just really like reading these manuals and it sucks that the BMT wiki links are mostly broken (I blame Volvo). from what I remember the truck still had its manual but the mice made it into a biohazard. that's why I wish this worked.
  17. You could try bigiron or one of those other auction sights if you want to gamble. Restored truck can bring a lot of money sometimes on that sight but often time's the Peterbuilts are the only ones that get attention. Good luck
  18. thanks man I checked them out but $40 for my engine manuals a bit much for me. I mean if I used it everyday it would be invaluable but I'm a novice so I won't use it that much. Im mainly looking out for downloadable pdf's that are cheep or free.
  19. Im collecting digital literature on Mack Mh's and I was wondering if anyone has an owner/operators manual for one. I saw there was one on this wiki once but I think Volvo put a stop to that. Also any brochures for them are really cool to look at if anyone has any. Thanks!
  20. Mack 12 speed with that engine and Mack rear ends is arguably the best combination in any truck by any manufacture at least I think so. Send in some pics if you have time. and let me know if you want to sell it!
  21. That shifting rod can get out of adjustment and make it so you can't shift into any gear. Check and see if its loose or try and put it in gear from down at the transmission.
  22. You're Going to kick yourself for getting rid of it, I know I did. That truck and that motor is worth the trouble trust me, once your hauling and you realize that you can out run any truck on the road you'll know what I mean. And Picture's too. I want to see it!
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