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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by BOBWhite

  1. Welcome to the forum! That Mack looks like it's worked hard its whole life, glad its getting restored. What engine and transmission does it have in it?
  2. I know a guy with a mid 90s international with a M11 cummins and a super 10 transmission. Never drove it but he said the previous owner would get 10+ mpg when he was pulling around his horse trailer with it. https://videos.eaton.com/roadranger/detail/videos/manual-transmissions/video/2253044304001/driving-the-super-10?autoStart=true
  3. I was thinking the same thing Mark. The early 11.1 Detroits had a system like that where it would make something like 50+ more horsepower when the cruise control was turned on. I guess you'd want something like that in a fleet where drivers couldn't be trusted with that extra horsepower.
  4. Don't know how I missed this one! I love these old D2s! I'd like to pick one up one day but my hoarding problem has left me with no space. Since we're sharing photos here's one of my grandpa planting milo with a Cat in the 50s. Not sure what model it was.
  5. The more I look at it the more I think it was something cobbled together at a later date. The tank looks like it would be from that era but the wheels look like they were put on later. Still would be cool to have it paired up with a 20s or 30s Mack.
  6. Oops that's my bad. I was talking to a guy last night who had a RD and a MX-18 off road truck, also lived in the Tennessee area. Odd coincidence!
  7. A guy from the Netherlands was trying to make a scale model of a Rd800 awhile back ago but he hasn't posted in a while. I also couldn't find many ads or spec sheets for the RD's. Are you AppalachianRust from YouTube? I want to see a scale model of one of those off road Macks!
  8. I've read about some E9 owners swapping the Ambac pump for an inline Bosch but it takes quite a bit of work (and $$). Not a pump expert but someone on here should have some answers. Edit: To test a CAC properly you have to check air PSI before and after it goes through the cooler. Do you have the book for the E9? I can PM it to you if you need it.
  9. Sounds like the pump to me, does it have the Ambac pump? I would check to see if the intercooler is internally plugged (check the pressure at both ends) then look over the whole turbo system again. If all checks out it might be time to get that pump off and get it checked.
  10. My 91 Ford F250 has a similar problem, the check engine light is on all the time and it runs rough. It used a herculean amount of gas but I don't really care as it's just a fuel truck now. I've never really liked the 351 so I might swap it out someday. Haven't had as many issues with Chevys fuel injection system of that same era.
  11. Some of the old tractor tires get that way due to the liquid calcium they add for extra weight, but never seen it happen to a truck tire. I've seen stuff parked outside since the 40s have better looking tires than that!
  12. From what I have heard there is a laundry list things that are different between the two motors. It probably would be easier to find and swap in a 4 valve E6 than to try and convert a 2 valve. Do you know for certain the heads are junk? Lots of things to troubleshoot before condemning the heads! Also Welcome to the forum!
  13. You would be the coolest neighbor ever! Every guy in the neighborhood is probably going to ask to use it! What Detroit engine does this have? 6-71? And what kinda plans do you have for this rig? Very cool!
  14. They seemed to make a huge deal about it when they went from gross to net horsepower in the 70s. They apparently didn't want to mislead customers but I guess that all went out the window later.
  15. How on earth did you get that dog in and out of a cabover every day? Now I'm not all that tall but it was still a mighty task to lift my 50lb dog into our Mh cabover when we still had it. I remember having to lift her above my head almost to get her in.
  16. Since I am usually the combine operator I often catch a ride back to town in these. The guy I work for sometimes borrows one from the local grain company when his own trucks can't keep up. The newer mid 2000s Freightliners are built a lot worse interior wise, they rattle and squeak so bad you can't hear the radio. They also always have pizza boxes covering the floor like pictured above lol. Does this one have the Detroit 60? One of the later ones I've been in had that weird Mercedes engine.
  17. I have been seeing a lot of Freightliners like that hauling milo out of the bins lately. None look as clean as that one! Most of them will probably never get a wash in their life and be a permanent grain dust brown.
  18. Forget a mid engine Corvette, I'd rather have a mid engine Mack! Looks sharp! Just how bad is the rust? Is the frame good? Should be a good project!
  19. That took me longer to get than it should have lol. I've been watching a lot of British Top Gear and was pronouncing Nissan the British/Aussie way.
  20. I've been there, Sometimes it feels like the time is just wrong, the market for tractors just isn't right some years and in some areas. There's a 1270 Case by me selling for $3,000 that hasn't had much interest yet, but in the right time and area it would be worth way more than that. Hate to see a good tractor go to scrap but you'll get way more out of it if you part it out. Tires look good and someone could do something cool with an engine like that.
  21. Time for a different tuner! If they can't get it to run right then it's something in the programing I would say. But I don't know much of anything about deleting/tuning Deleting a truck makes it much harder to sell too. Good luck!
  22. Another thing to keep an eye on these trucks is the ZF 6 speed manual on some of the later 7.3 powerstrokes, they have a transmission cooler like an automatic. I know a guy who blew up his transmission in his work pickup due to the transmission cooler leaking.
  23. Thats just what I was about to post. $35,000!! I guess that blows my chances of ever being able to own one of those
  24. The more smoke out the back the more soot in the oil and cylinder wall destruction. Sounds to me like it will last no longer than 250,00 before the motor starts using oil and looses compression. I know a lot of young guys just like that who try to make sports cars out of their diesel pickups. I get enough noise and smoke from my old farm equipment, I don't understand why anyone would want more of that.
  25. The kid that assassinated a politician in Japan a while back was about that age, John Wilkes Booth was 26, and Lee Harvey was 24 when they did their deed. I guess you just wouldn't expect the kids now to do something like this but it's hard to say. I really don't know what to think anymore
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