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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by BOBWhite

  1. I think I prefer electric over vacuum but I haven't put on serious miles with either. With vacuum it seems the shifting delay is different every day with the changing atmospheric conditions. Although with electric you have to crawl underneath every year and fix the mouse chewed wires. Whatever you want to put up with I guess.
  2. Here are some pictures too: I hope whoever gets this scans and shares these with everyone instead of sitting them on a shelf untill their estate sale.
  3. Is this it?: https://www.auctionzip.com/auction-lot/mack-and-brockway-truck-brochures-ten-mack-from-1_7A842F8B50?catalogReferredQueryParam=%3Fkeywords%3DMack Hope someone here can get it!
  4. I can't get over how well proportioned everything thing is on that Mack. It doesn't really look like it would be the worlds largest Mack until you see the equipment around it. The Mack made the good sized front loader at the end look like a toy! That V16 Detroit has a displacement of 2,384ci or almost 40 liters! Seeing this truck is definitely on my bucket list!
  5. The hurricane 6 is I think what it's called. Makes a lot of power but has some serious flaws from what I've heard. I wonder if the Cummins will have direct gasoline injection with it being turbocharged and all. Direct injection wouldn't leave much room for a spark plug but how will it run much boost without knocking? I have my doubts about it being in pickups but with upcoming emissions maybe it will become a big thing.
  6. That looks good! If its not a secret what's all in it? We grow a lot of peppers but something about the soil or the hard water makes them unbearably hot.
  7. My soil is the same red but a couple of tons of manure fixed it up, burning helps too. I got chewed out by my new neighbors for burning this year but hopefully some fresh tomatoes and cucumbers will keep them happy till next years burn.
  8. Well its been another year. Went to a very foggy sunrise service but when the sun came out and cleared the fog it was beautiful, wish I had a good enough camera to capture it! Then I finally got the garden plowed with the cub. Hope everyone else had a good easter
  9. I saw that too. Looks like quite the deal especially if that trailer comes with it.
  10. I couldn't find anything about a rack buffer either. Would it comprise of an extra spring or something? Every Mack I've been around with an Ambac pump surges to some degree.
  11. Another cool channel I didn't know about. Thanks Hippy!
  12. Can a ships controls especially steering be controlled remotely? Why would they program something like that in? Unless it was a case like mutiny on board the ship I don't see how it could be a terror attack. Interestingly this isn't the first time this ship has struck something, unless that's more common for ships than I realized: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MV_Dali
  13. Wow that's a neat looking truck! I never knew they made em like that!
  14. Large plume of black smoke when they got the lights back on so maybe the motor stalled or they fired up an aux generator but too little too late. They say they dropped an anchor at some point too but I know nothing about boats Maybe that M-100 Mack will come out of retirement once the smoke clears and they begin rebuilding.
  15. They lost power and they could have lost rudder control is what I've heard. Very sad
  16. Looking good! Makes me want to get my Case 222 going. The Kohler engine seems very worn out so I want to find a little diesel for it.
  17. Wish I could have run em when they were new! The Mh especially 😉 I hope that CL613 finds a nice home, looks like she's been sitting awhile
  18. Here ya go: https://www.rbauction.com/idp/1985-mack-mh613-6x4-truck-tractor-ta?invId=14503448&id=ci&auction=chehalis-wa-2024162 https://www.truckpaper.com/listing/for-sale/192922637/1994-mack-cl613-day-cab-trucks
  19. With more gears you can keep that E7-300 in its power band and it will be better than the 7-speed. I'd say put the 18 speed in and see how it feels before thinking of an engine swap. Finding a higher horsepower mechanical or PLN E7 might be kind of tricky unless you want to go with an E-Tech. Lots more wiring and modules to track down on the later engines to unless you have a donor truck.
  20. Trucking Resources on youtube does some great videos on these old trucking company's. Most of them were gone before I came around and most wouldn't be coming through my area anyway. Be interesting to hear how the trucking companies are in Australia. Seems like there are a lot more small guys and less megacarriors like we have over here
  21. Wow what a rig! I hope to see it someday I don't think any video will ever do it justice.
  22. The only proper place for a Volvo is behind a Mack! Not to derail but I've read that E-Techs get hot if the cam keyways wrong but I don't understand why.
  23. Wow that's a looker! Original tires on that rig too?
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