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Everything posted by Ausmack1

  1. Thank you for the reply i dont think its pluged the wrong way as i pulled out the crank angle sensor with the plug and put it back together. The truck starts and runs just has to turn over alot before it dose it also is derated at the moment ill have to put the computer on it my onboard dyonostics when i click on engine says operation failed so will have to take it somewhere.
  2. Hello sorry to hijack this post but i have pulled the timing covers off my mp8 to do the idler gear and now that its back together its hard to start ( didnt have the issue before) i have bled the fuel system in 3 diffrent ways and it isn't loosing prime so i dont believe its fuel or injectors related. I was wonder could it be the cam position sensor doing this?
  3. Hello i have pulled apart the mp8 engine to change a rear idler pully and wanted to find out what amount of endfloat in the crank shaft of acceptable. And if it is excessive what would need to be done?
  4. What holdes the idler in place same thing happend to mine were the shaft that its sits on gets worn.
  5. My one dosnt seem to change into second gear in reverse unless i press the + button. But i have done it before while moving (before you gave me the information that its not good to do) and it didnt make any noise like it dose form 6 to 7 in drive
  6. Seems like in Australia u cant get this kit. I can get the range synchro kit which includes whats in the photo would i need change anything else while im in there
  7. Thank you for the information Pro. When the range synchro fails dose that usally mean full box needs to be rebuilt or can you get away just doing the range box?
  8. Thank you Pro for the information. Do you happen to have the specifications for the range cone how much play it can have or a manual? Also dont know if this changes anything when truck is cold in the morning it changes to high range with out noises for about 10min
  9. Thank you for your reply im. New to using this sight how to i go about finding the bulletin for the pto removal?
  10. Hello thank you for the reply yes it has 2 speeds in reverse. The squeak nosie dosnt happen between other gear just 6-to7 or 6to8 ( only when it gose from low range to high) . If it was the clutch valve wouldnt it do it every gear change?
  11. Hello i have a Mack Trident 2013 model mp8 535hp with the m drive auto transmission. The truck makes a loud squeak noise when it changes to the high range in the box from 6 to 7th or 8th and somtimes when it dose the noise it will clunck into the gear. What could this be and should i be worried? as it still drives and no codes come up. Thanks in advance
  12. Thank you for the manual. It there away to tell on the top of the injectors before pulling them?
  13. Thank you Joey for the information. I have bought all the proper volvo tools to do the job I am a qualified motor mechanic but I have never done cups on a mack before I wanted as much information as I could get before I start the job. What sealant do you use for the cups I have read that loctite 620 is good ? And the graphite past where would be the best to buy that?
  14. Hello new to the forum I have been watching videos of the injector cup replacement on the volvo d13 mp8 and notice they use a graphite paste on the injector while I think in Australia they use a washer. Do u need to use paste aswell as the washer? Which way is better?
  15. Hello new to the forum I have been watching videos of the injector cup replacement on the volvo d13 mp8 and notice they use a graphite paste on the injector while I think in Australia they use a washer. Do u need to use paste aswell as the washer? Which way is better?
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