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Everything posted by Blacky

  1. Is there a possibility that there's a sensor that might be bad that goes to the VGA or should I put a airline gauge in the supply line that goes to the VGA to monitor the air supply or should I put a voltage meter on the positive just make sure that it is still supplying the air or an extra ground I don't know where all those wires go that go to the VGA
  2. I also changed out the vgt controller with chocolate brand new in there then I still have the code now you said that supplies the airline what am I checking for because that all that does turn on off the air supply and I've already changed the filter out that you were talking about
  3. I read your story about the 4.5 code however I just put a brand new turbo on brand new EGR valve check the wiring I don't see no parade wiring but yet I still have a 4.5 coat and I have over 120 lb air pressure at all times I'm getting lost and I don't see any wiring that has been afraid or anything else can you please send me an email at this address that I sent you thank you
  4. I read your story about the 4.5 code however I just put a brand new turbo on brand new EGR valve check the wiring I don't see no parade wiring but yet I still have a 4.5 coat and I have over 120 lb air pressure at all times I'm getting lost and I don't see any wiring that has been afraid or anything else can you please send me an email at this address that I sent you thank you
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