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  1. Thanks Bob, That is a way better price than my local source. I was quoted $250+ for a new switch. I finally solved my issue for now. The s/p switch was fine. I purchased a single new 6v battery(I know should have done a pair). Chased down some bad wires. Got it fired up today and it runs like a dream. Thanks for all the help everyone.
  2. Thanks for all the information Geoff and Paul.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion Geoff, but the maxwell esm is a bit rich for my blood. Looks like a good system though. I'm sure it will bite me in the butt later, but I'm probably just going to replace the one pair of batteries and see if it fixes my problem.
  4. Well I lightly beat on the SP switch with no luck. So I went back through and checked all the batts again and found 1 of the 4 is junk, it won't hold above 4v and under a load is nothing. So I'll be replacing a battery (maybe 2), if that fails I'll open up that SP switch for further exploration.
  5. hicrop10, that is something I haven't tried. Maybe tomorrow I'll give it some taps and see how it goes. Thanks
  6. 4 6s. They all tested good. Started up fine about a month ago.
  7. Hey everyone, so basically I can't get my '71 RL700L to start as of now. It will not crank over, when I try you can hear the series parallel switch make a loud click. Also not sure if it is connected or not, but I've also developed a short that won't allow me to turn off the lights. Unfortunately but not surprising this truck has had lots of backyard wiring done, so I'm not sure how everything is connected. Also the S/P switch isn't very old replaced it about a year or more ago. Thanks Tom
  8. I just ordered a new s/p switch, pretty sure that is my charging problem(only half the batteries getting a charge). Hopefully going to be able to start hauling soon, maybe even make some money!
  9. I finally talked to my local mack service shop and got some great information. I got a wiring diagram for the starting system which was super helpful. And a phone# to some folks that can probably provide me with a wiring schematic for the whole truck. Replaced nearly all the battery cables and that helped out a lot. I may need to replace the series parallel switch to get the charging system working better. Anyway just giving an update, thanks for all the advice!
  10. Anybody know anything about this emblem? I did a quick look online and could really find anything. AEC-automotive equipment company- custom built motor trucks. This is on my '71 RL700L dumptruck.
  11. Hey everyone, I kind of skipped this part when I joined last week. I am the proud owner of a '71 RL700L dump truck. It has been a great truck for having 1,000,000+ miles and being over 50 years old. Twin stick with a v8, don't know any more than that about the motor and trans. I live on the sw washington coast, which is great for the truck. So I'll be around, probably asking some dumb questions.
  12. Ok, that was a lot of information to read through. I will be checking all battery connections when my weekend roles in on Wednesday. I will also check out that s/p switch that may be under the metal console in between the seats. I will add in that this truck is not a push button start, it's got a regular key start which looks original . Keep the ideas rolling in, I appreciate all the input!
  13. Also I'm pretty sure the truck is positive ground. I'll double check that information in the daylight tomorrow.
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