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Markie Man

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Everything posted by Markie Man

  1. I assume your original is not working? If so Powl's Speedometer in Lancaster PA can restore it. They can fix electric and cable tachs and speedos like new. At our shop we do a fair bit of business with them. Now if yours is missing thats a different story. Glendon
  2. Joey, yes crd92/93, if they can be set without the "variable pinion setting gauge" that the service manual shows I'm all ears. It consists of a tube and plugs and several pins that would be installed in place of the crosshaft/spur gear and allows you to set pinion depth with a feeler gauge. But if I can do without I'd like to hear it. this is my first time digging into one of these, always just swapped them out but this one simply had 2 bad races in the top chamber and since everything else looks good I am going to attempt to put in new bearings. I have rebuilt transmissions before but first time on one of these.
  3. Looking to purchase the Kent Moore tooling for setting pinion depth in mack rears and other mack specific tools. I am also looking for a dial indicator timing tool for the 855/n14 Cummins. Glendon (717) 543 1736 Thank You!
  4. I second the stuck plunger/rack if it's been sitting long, does the fuel shut off lever have any resistance or does it just pivot freely? I don't know anyone in your area but there's more than enough learned individuals on here to walk you through it.
  5. So my 4v e6 350 needs a turbo, and I figure that turbocharger technology has come a good ways since '85, so a newer model charger the same size aught to preform better, not? So I have access to a remack s400s069 supposably for a etech EM7. Am I way off my rocker and overthinking this or will this be an improvement for the old girl? If not, any suggestions? was also looking at a s300s106. Thanks in advance for your input. Glendon
  6. My old man is Mark E. and I guess this nut didn't far very far from the tree, somewhere along the line I got labeled as Markie Man. Glendon
  7. Forgot to mention it has a 350 4 valve.
  8. Good Evening! I'm giving the 85 Mh613 I bought a paint job and really though going over, and my original o'ring style charge air cooler is leaking bad and not worth fixing. Since I'm giving it the works and the o'ring style CAC is pretty much obsolete I figure I'll change to the newer style. Has any one done this and what all I need or a parts list? I can get stainless piping made locally but as far as intake manifold, turbo neck and cac part number. I'm looking stuff up myself but I figured someone else has probably done this already. Thanks!
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