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Paul S

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About Paul S

  • Birthday 07/01/1963


  • Location
    Rome, PA

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  • My Truck
    1971 R685 6 wheel dump truck
  • Interests
    Trucks and hot rods, non computerized of course!
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  1. Hi, Are any of these parts still available.
  2. Looking real nice! What the power train combo on your truck? Could you tell me what paint you used on your motor? I've been looking for Maxidyne gold for a while and can't seem to find it. Good luck on the progress! Paul
  3. Thank you!
  4. Thank you! It makes it easier to see.
  5. Thanks Bob! The shifter is the original Dog from 71. Had to bring the pup inside!
  6. Yes a 237 with a 1076 tyranny. Chrome dog on the hood. I took The original dog from the hood, and made it into the shifter handle. The block heater is actually located on the driver's side. I just haven't gotten around to replacing the headlight insert with a solid panel.
  7. I'll work on better photos!
  8. Thank you! All it needs Bob is 4 cans of Maxidyne gold so I can repaint the engine. Any help finding that would be greatly appreciated!
  9. Yep, this Baby has been rolling the coal long before electronics ! Yes, it was a tractor for a very short time, nice eye!
  10. Yes a 237 with a 1076 transmission. Sorry for the long delay. My wife was very sick for a long while. Thankfully she's on her way to recovery.
  11. I first met my truck in 1978. My Father was a Mason Contractor, and would get reclaimed brick from a fella who would go into Brooklyn and bring about 8000 bricks to my house, in a 6 wheel Blue Mack dump truck and dump them. Of course it was my job to clean and stack them all. One day I asked my Father to just get the bricks delivered to the jobsite to avoid having to load the brick onto our F600 dump truck and bring to the job. We'll, that beastly Mack barely warmed up carrying those brick. He followed us in our empty F600, and never got off our tail. We got to the job and I got to sit in my first Mack truck. I remember like it was yesterday. Moving forward 11 years, I decided to look for my own Mack 6 wheeler. My brother and I went from Montauk point to NYC, looking for my truck. Anyone who has a 6 wheeler knows how hard it is to part with one. My truck parts supplier told me a fella was thinking of parting with his 6 and 10 wheel Mack, one town away from were I live. So I made an appointment to see his trucks, they were both red and black. When I opened the hood on the six wheeler I noticed a spot of blue paint under the red pant that chipped away. I asked him " where did you get this truck?"He said he bought from a guy who delivered used brick from Brooklyn to Long Island. It was the same truck that came to my house years before ! I bought it on the spot, and the rest is history. I've since retired the Old 6 Wheeler after 51 glorious years of service, and chose to a million miles on it. I have it 75 percent restored as of now.
  12. Can anyone recommend where I could locate a 3 spoke, black or gray 22 inch steering wheel for my 71 R Model 6 wheeler?
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