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Mack superdog

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Everything posted by Mack superdog

  1. I did not can I do it with cam still in truck just pull the gear off or do I need to take it out
  2. 99 e7 e tech
  3. How can I get 500-525hp out of my e7 400 etech I put 30 over injectors and a Detroit turbo on and it doesn’t impress me like our 460 with just injectors does temp still runs cool and so does pyrometer so I know I have more room for more fuel but can u get 40-50 over injectors, can I advance the timing on it even tho it doesn’t have a mechanical pump , is there anyone who I can send the computer to put a tune on it ?
  4. Was reading about Renault and Mack and learned they made an e5 engine it said they had a mechanical pump and a head for each cylinder does anyone have any pictures of one I have never seen or heard about them
  5. I’m haveing some gauge issues on my 98 CL with an e9 I think I need to run a new ground for the dash cluster does anyone know what wire is the ground
  6. That was the only piece I cut all 3 oil filters apart and there was nothing at all in the papers truck runs fine and has good oil pressure I was just changing oil as normal I do it every 10k miles
  7. So I found this stuck to my drain plug when I changed oil on my e9 does anyone have an idea what it is it looks like a bushing of some sort but not a main or rod I thought maybe it was from the air compressor so I took an old one apart and nothing in it that’s similar so I’m thinking either wrist pin bushing or maybe the turbo bushing any help is appreciated pictures added below
  8. That’s the first thing I checked
  9. I have a 98 CL with an E9 and in the morning when I start it the engine shutdown light and buzzer stay on till I go down the road a couple miles then it will go on and off continuously for a couple more then it stays off for the most part but comes on and off randomly for the rest of the day has anyone ever ran into this issue
  10. I have a 98 CL with an E9 and in the morning when I start it the engine shutdown light and buzzer stay on till I go down the road a couple miles then it will go on and off continuously for a couple more then it stays off for the most part but comes on and off randomly for the rest of the day has anyone ever ran into this issue
  11. Yes it’s in a dump truck I change the air filter once a month as preventative maintenance and yes the drain tube looks like a accordion
  12. I wanna get the same one
  13. I have an e9 noticed I’m starting to get a little oil residue on the cold side can anyone tell me what turbo this is I don’t think it’s stock considering it pushes 36psi on a warm day and 40psi on a cold day i know stock should only be 28psi these are the only numbers I can find there’s no tag where they normally are
  14. I have a e9 with and in-line pump when it had the air throttle it idled at 850 once I converted to cable it came down to 800 which was fine but sometimes it stalls coming to a stop at a red light so I pulled the throttle lock out a touch to 850 how do I turn it up the right way and what causes it to stall and a high idle of 800
  15. Okay thank you
  16. Can I see a picture of how yours looks and a link where to get one
  17. I called he said to come down and look he thinks he has a pedal that will work
  18. Okay thank you I’m gonna see if my dealer can get me anything for it yet
  19. I’d like to do linkage but that will be to involved plus I don’t have to much room to work with so i think cable will be my best bet
  20. Are those the vins of trucks that had cable throttles ?
  21. Yes I’m swapping it in my e9 I’m going to use a superliner cable and copy the bracket on the intake off my dads truck just need the throttle pedal
  22. Does anyone have a vin number off of a ch that came factory with a cable throttle I’m switching my CL from air throttle to cable but need the cable foot pedal figured I’d see if Mack can get one yet before I make my own
  23. I like the way you thing I’m not trying to just blow up a motor for fun I like to tinker as well yes Mack made them for reliability but there’s not too much performance support for Mack like there is cat Detroit and Cummins
  24. That’s the plan after the e6 dies or maybe I’ll put an e9 I have laying around in
  25. Checked that too everything visible is in working order
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