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Mack superdog

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Everything posted by Mack superdog

  1. Brett thank you I’ve heard e7 should be good for 600hp we had a vision that was a factory 480 therefore they didn’t have that at the limit for hp it could handle there’s room for more
  2. I have a CL with and e9 in-line pump that has an air throttle it hasn’t ever gave me any issues other that being a little touchy on big bounces but It’s gotten really touchy the last couple days when I’m loaded or empty and go over a bounce the slightest movement from my foot gives it throttle and jerks the drive train I have no air leaks and both return springs are still on could the problem be in the fuel pump possibly
  3. I have a CL with and e9 in-line pump that has an air throttle it hasn’t ever gave me any issues other that being a little touchy on big bounces but It’s gotten really touchy the last couple days when I’m loaded or empty and go over a bounce the slightest movement from my foot gives it throttle and jerks the drive train I have no air leaks and both return springs are still on could the problem be in the fuel pump possibly
  4. My question is do I have to change the peice that the turbo and pedestal is bolted to
  5. I have a 98 Cl with an e9 backed by a Mack 2180 18 speed I’m swapping to an Eaton 18 will a Bell housing from an e7 that had an Eaton work or do I need one that came from an e9 that had an Eaton doesn’t the turbo pedestal bolt to it ?
  6. See we wouldn’t be having this conversation if Mack would have just made a big hp 6 cylinder like cat , Detroit, and Cummins not only that parts are getting harder to get and outrageous in price that goes to show how much they care about guys like us their doing that so we’re forced to buy newer stuff that need to go to them to get fixed I’ve thought about an electronic c15 swap to. an old truck with a motor that parts are plentiful for would be ideal in my eyes
  7. I know it won’t handle it for long with the 2 bolt mains my dad has his e6 in his superliner turned up back in the day first broke the block up the middle then put new reman engine in the snapped crank in half then next motor turned it back a little and it was good till he sold it I just wanna have fun with it until it flys apart then I can put my e7 in it I’ve heard e7 should handle 600hp reliably but I’m looking for just around 550hp with that
  8. I have an 89 superliner tri axle dump I’m looking to put to work but wanna have fun with the e6 before I put an e7 in it was gonna put 30% injectors in it crank the pump up and advance the timing only thing I’m worried about is when I put a big single turbo on it’s gonna have some really bad lag if say I shift on a grade it might not be able to come out of it. has anyone ever put 2 turbos on one small one for low end and a bigger one for the top end pictures of how its all plumed up would be nice
  9. I have an 89 4 valve e6 350 that has a dynatard I’m looking to put jakes on it I have a 2000 e7 electronic engine laying around will the jakes bolt right up or are they totally different
  10. It would be in a work truck I’m not worried about keeping it cool since the super liner has the same radiator that’s in my e9 Cl I run daily besides the e9 having 2 thermostats same with rear ends their Mack 44 rears they will definitely hold up to it only thing I don’t know that will would be the 8ll that’s in it heck even 500-550 hp would be good too
  11. I have a mechanical e7 350 does anyone else up have one turned up to 600hp im thinking it should handle it with the 4 bolt main also what’s the biggest turbo that will bolt to a Mack manifold and is there any other manifolds that are a direct fit
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