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Everything posted by Mackch613

  1. Thanks guys, on lower gears it pulls real good but then on it seems to really calm down, none the less it’s a really good truck she does get the job done so can’t complain
  2. I don’t know exactly either what aset engine it is it has a grey engine it’s all I know, what I’m trying to accomplish is get more power it seems real sluggish when going up bridges loaded I under stand that the weight on the truck isn’t light by any means (18 tons) but surely there is something I can do to get more power out of it
  3. Like a ecm tuning
  4. Do you think deleting the truck would also help and maybe hooking up the computer up to the ecm and changing it
  5. And where is that governor located to change it
  6. How do I go about changing the codes
  7. I have a question, I have a 2005 Mack ch613 dumptruck with a e7 aset with a 427 I believe, any recommendations that will help with some more power and speed I’ve noticed it does sound real quite anything to give it back that growl?
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