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  1. ON FUEL UNIT PUMP  ON A 1999 e7-400 if dont have 4 diget code to enter in program does it matter

    1. tractor


      or 8 digit code

    2. tractor


       the trim code on eup  dealer said 8 digets most say 4 is lec90 eup 1, lec92 eup 2, eteched i work on other seems to be problem get info only for you guys i would get no wares changed computer on engine and cab works better not much better power but can do something with  coumpter now thanks

  2. turbo psi came up from 24 psi to 26psi may be 27 psi after replaced computer power still down but a little better
  3. update truck has bin working for 3 weeks still under powered found green on plug in dash code 239 light not on light works when start it flashes for a second goes out i know trubo boost down butno ieaks any where plate for cooling computer on engine was unhooked replaced that no miss in engine did cutout test seems good is there a whey to fool coumpter into putting more fuel out,
  4. truck had power lost it somebody took cooling plate lines off compter just wondering if could check see if setting change
  5. on a v-maciii e7-400 can you turn up power
  6. got soft ware running
  7. is their a manual for a v- mac iii soft ware
  8. what program reads and changes parmeters
  9. ya but how much damage would it do unhooked
  10. i didnt check it yet but was wondering if that getting hot have any bearing on fuel to injetor nozziels tanks
  11. was orings on soilonds
  12. on the e7-400 1999 some one unhooked cooling plate fuel lines , so computer would get hot , how much control does computer have over fueling
  13. some one unhooked cooling plate fuel lines , does ecm have alot to do with fueling on a e7-400 mack 1999, never had a cooling plate unhook be fore computor may get hot .
  14. on this e7-400 1999 somebody unhooked cooling plate behind ecm, how much control on fueling does ecm have on this mack ,and cooling plate should be hooked up right
  15. not fuel pressure under load codes gone but code 239 came up boost pressure around 27 not 32 used to be 35 thanks
  16. is their any place that fuel line plugs like on a n14 cummins they have a cooling plate for coumpter elbow can plug
  17. exhaust leaks we checked fuel pressure under load no didn,t check
  18. is their any place that plups onfuel supply like a n14 cummins
  19. checked all that seams ok
  20. code 238 fmi 4 plus code pid 100 fmi 4 and thats all codes, light does not come on only for a second at start up thanks
  21. no air leaks turbo is tight power is light problem started slow than never got worse thanks
  22. fuel pressure 90 psi
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