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Everything posted by tractor

  1. what pressure should it have thanks
  2. engine runs fine but down on power no leaks air to air or compressor hose went from 35 to 33 psi turbo just those two codes would like wiring diagram for buzzer
  3. talked to previous owner he unplugged buzzer it came on with single lights power divider low air is this normal . now on all the time . it was plug i was talking about. engine is a e7-400 ser 8r3453 truck model rb688s .code pid 1oo fmi 04 low voltage detected at oil pressure sensor, sid 238 04 voltage below normal or shorted to ground would any of these derate horse power thanks bruce
  4. the redish plug has 8 holes and seven connecter
  5. no just a few plugs one plug is redish
  6. how many prongs on 2 or 4 buzzer or plug thanks
  7. shut down light has no bulb in shut down light socket so maybe buzzer is not plugged in either
  8. thanks how many wires in plug a lot of emty plugs there is not alight in socket thanks
  9. sorry i mean shut down buzzer alot of plug swith nothing in them
  10. cannot find it how many wires on it
  11. also code pid 100 fmi 04
  12. on a mack rb688s with a e7-400 engine where is engine shut down buzzer 1998 code sid 238 fmi 04 thanks
  13. air temp sensor is off on ohms and computer getting new one the screws to adjust how tight truck turns are stuck any way to solve this thanks
  14. cac not leaking air intake not leaking air compressor you talking about line feeds compressor thanks
  15. a e7-400 lost power used to be 35 psi trubo now 32 what should we check still revs about the same butunder load lose one gear that didnt have to shift before
  16. solenond clicks hard pin moves orings are rough not broken sent for 4 new ones from mack
  17. not bottom of solenoid straight under solenoid in casting put finger under casting hole goes up to solenoid thanks
  18. the oil comes out hold on casting under selen0nd not top now and no braded lines
  19. jake is a model 690 part number 021433 mack number 757gb58b
  20. under the jake casting selenond above it oil comes out about as round as a pencil thanks
  21. not leaning over engine thanks but barly working some times no jake
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