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41chevy last won the day on December 9 2020

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About 41chevy

  • Birthday 01/16/1953


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Community Answers

  1. The two best truck sounds to me are a Detroit with pipes and an E9 with pipes!
  2. Making the fittings for the lost wax castings. The new MRS is going to make them in pewter. She used to make jewellery castings for her dad when she grew up in Israel.
  3. Whitepost does fantastic work the sleeved the steering brake cylinders (all 6) on my M114 and when they found out what is was for gave my a Vets %off I tried to reach old Bill but only got repeated busy signals. It was just after the storm last weekend. Have you talked to him? Paul
  4. Probably Freightliner Flu
  5. CNC'd a master from architectural foam and had 5 bare hulls vacuum cast in Oakridge Tenn. Here is the important one, ATF 91. About a foot long. Paul
  6. I would look very close at the ECU and VECU connectors and pins for corrosion, loose in the connector housing where the pin pushes back a bit when plugged in or bent / miss aligned pins. Check the harness it self for worn or rubbed places
  7. P20EE general causes, Exhaust Leaks, Fuel contamination, Faulty Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF),Faulty NOx Sensor, contaminated DEF or Faulty SCR Catalyst. Since you have done most of that at one time or another, I would start by visually inspecting the related wiring harness and connectors. Check for damaged components and look for broken, bent, pushed out, or corroded connector's pins.
  8. Wise move, considering you pass through Mass. Conn, Jersey. All the ticket issuers. Call Ray Sidella (Mack mhe9 on here) 570-294-1611 Try Ray first, last time I talked to him he was running a dedicated New England run and that might work out good for him. He hauled a small B dump from Maine to Virginia a few months ago. He usually hauls collector trucks and is well trusted here. Paul
  9. Minor! I'm never that lucky with floors. Paul
  10. The bug was probably caused by touching or being near a non MACK. I get pimples when I'm near a Chevy, Stomach issues when I'm near a PAACAR unit and the Swiss Flu when I'm near a Volvo.
  11. No smokers or BBQ's with in 500 feet!
  12. At the end of the VIN it says KIT, it would either be a Glider or a KDA that was not exported.
  13. Maine issues titles for 1995 and newer.
  14. Artillery wheels are the steel style that replaced wooden spoke wheels in the late 1920s on light and medium truck and passenger cars. This one is off a Dodge Brothers early 30's pick up.
  15. The worst of the floor is done. Next the smooth and recessed firewall since the engine set back is 4 inches.
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