Total population of about 390 million , 21 million public and Municipal workers, 47 million citizens on some from of public housing, food stamps,free phones and welfare assistance , 10.3 million "undocumented aliens receiving S.S. and other assistance , 11 million on Disability (SSD) , 12 million unemployed and an estimated 3.8 million who are no longer looking for work and applying for assistance. Total work force not counting Public Servants is 112 million full time and 37 million part time workers that contribute to the Economy. Public Servants are not counted because their salary is paid by taxes and is considered to be a closed loop system....their salary is is not the result of a job that contributes to the GNP but is paid for by the GNP, there for is a minus. 390 million population 197.8 million receiving aid and assistance or Public Servants 159 million producing workers (including Military personnel) 56.3 million retired, students, home makers and children . Not counting the last group of 56.3 million, the 159 million workers are supporting 174.1million. Even if you count the 21 million Public Service employees on the side of non public service workers it bring it down to one worker supporting one of the ''O" people. Also State and Local Aide Programs are not counted here!! AS OF TODAY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HIRED 73,000 MORE EMPLOYEES FOR THE HEALTH CARE "FEES"