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Everything posted by 41chevy

  1. Designed by a Nordic focus group with the EPA mandate, approved by the Nordic design committee, whose only idea of what the North American trucker needs and wants is from the Ikea delivery drivers. I can not warm up to it , even the alien pod mirrors on the hood are slightly repulsive.
  2. How thick you making the floor?
  3. Send you a PM , so as to not hijack bobs thread. Paul
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  4. Was the Skip McKean fleet there this year? Paul
  5. That's an Orville Body Co build sleeper cab. Same basic design Orville used on the 1953 to 1955 I.H. DC-405 COE
  6. Most people are raised that life is what you make it, If you fail you generally have nobody to blame but yourself. In the snowflake world, the world of academia and the land of color it's always no my fault its slavery, living in the projects, the schools or because "I don't know my baby's daddy". Stealing enough to eat if your hungry is I suppose, with in reason but loading up with chips, t.v.s computers, beer, wine and an arm full of clothes is bull. Later whining that the store you looted is never reopening because they are racist is even bigger bull. From LBJ's Great Society to Obama they are taught they are owed everything. Like we did it to them. 3, 4, 5 generations on welfare, built the public housing and when they destroy it, why just build a new project The ones that get ahead and make something of their lives are traitors in their eyes. We treat societies crap better the our vets and old folks. When the last president legitimized their riots in Ferguson and other cities it gave them the golden pass. Trump and Sessions are hopefully ending the "we owe them" crap.
  7. I usually do that except on my R hood. I painted over a cicada and it stayed there for more than a year as a conversation piece before it's tiny legs gave up.
  8. Sounds like the shaft seal was replaced on the box and the arm was clocked a spline or two off.
  9. Most all of the older Macks were over engineered and over built. In my opinion, most all pre Volvo trucks and pre computer units all are tough. But like every thing, it also depends on maintenance, lube, knowing their limits and not excessive abuse.I feel the camel back is the toughest set up MACK made.
  10. Enter my property or in public to attempt to rob us and you will be leaving during the clean up with a hose and broom. Everyone in my house is armed and trained to use them.
  11. Our houses main section in Virginia was built in 1848, an addition doubled the size in 1929 with a living room, bakery and solarium. In 1946 a big kitchen, pantry, laundry room, attached 3 car garage with a 6 room apartment over the garage was added in 1946.The oldest part in the most level and true. The newer the additions the less they leveled and measured. Biggest issue was a brass pipe in the wall by one of the fir places with a stick jammed in it. The stick fell out when I touched it and natural gas came out. The entire old section of gas lighting supply was intact and live. Figured it was live with gas since 1895 when it as post and tube wired (which was still used for 3rd floor lighting when we bought it.). Also had over 200 Automatic Fireman Cabon-tet balls all through the house
  12. My M917 is 4 and 5/8 inches too wide per Va rules. I've been in the process for 3 weeks getting a V.S.P. and VDMV Motor Carrier Enforcement for a waiver showing it can not be brought into compliance. Max is 102" I'm 106 5/8". It's a "farm" truck
  13. Unless. . . they use the Clinton eraser . . .
  14. I would have no problem making it a speedster than. early 1920's ALF
  15. In all seriousness, I think the booth has cooler air from it's dehumidifier and that is a bug magnet. But I bought it at a body shop auction so I live with it. Virginia has some paint lovin bugs though.. When my shop is fully finished I'll make an air lock type set of plastic doors for it.
  16. I have a booth, get more bugs in there than when I shoot in the open. They all like hang out and wait til the door opens to head for the paint. I call them my tacky paint inspectors....if they walk less than 4 steps it's ready for an other coat.
  17. When my grand kids ask where the lambs, bunnies and rabbits are, I tell them they are on vacation at Club Westinghouse. They haven't caught on yet. Good name! My 55 chevy is named IT. My family picked the name. "When you gonna paint IT? Why is IT so loud? Why doesn't IT have an interior? How can you drive IT?"
  18. Bet you get one of our former members out there protesting the loss of one the rare North American Pink Speckled Trouser Trouts haunts... .
  19. I usually get a beetle or other big bug doing it's Death Valley crawl across the most visible area of the vehicle, like the hood or truck..
  20. Depends, looks pretty solid and not a ton survived WWII
  21. Those are pretty standard Bendix units that fit a ton of trucks and some GM / Packard professional cars like hearses and limo's.
  22. I dragged my wife to see it. Kind of expected it to be a Mel Brooks version of Deliverance.
  23. Good Luck!
  24. Swallow Inn Escanaba in da Moonlite
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