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761 Brock

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Everything posted by 761 Brock

  1. is there anyone I could either email or text pics to, to have them resize to post her, much appreciated...........
  2. Here are some pics of the later 700 series door panels and interior panels........ can,t download the pics here
  3. Yes, the 700 Brockways used the Shellar Globe cab like Mack did. Although looking the same, there were a few differences. One difference being the location of the roof vent, Mack in front, Brockway in rear. the roof, corner panels, and rear panel were like a pleated style, like the KW ''splendor'' interior option, the door panels were a fancy pressed panel..... I'll try to remember to post some pics of what the panels look like, to give you an idea..............thnx for the reply!
  4. since the panels are basically the same, maybe possible to do up a 700 series interior kit for Brockway. I know I'd be interested in a kit.........I'll try to post pics of what they look like, unless someone beats me to the punch..............
  5. Are you just lurking Clay or going to stay around. 😁 554 1,732 posts Location:Alexander New York Make:Mack Model:DM 690 Year:1989 Report post Posted Jun Are you just lurking Clay or going to stay around. 😁
  6. the dash also doesn't bolt in the same way, as in holes in different locations
  7. nice looking rig, Bad Dog!!
  8. Are these still available...
  9. thnx, Al........
  10. do you have the overhead console, too.....
  11. Can anyone tell me how the overhead consoles mount to roof of cab. Is there mounting brackets or something that fix to the inside of roof, I'd like to put one in my 761 Brockway, thnx for the input........
  12. Lil Red Wagon...... Bill "Maverick" Golden if I remember right, make a nice tribute....
  13. there are 3 Brockway pages on Facebook. .. just type in Brockway in the search box and they should show up, and you can place it there I believe
  14. call Marc Gagne @ Gamache , he might have a good set of virgins for you, and with the exchange, should be short money for you.. 1-800-363-3881
  15. there are 4 different manufacturers of Moose Bumpers.............. Herd, which I bought, and love the quality, craftsmanship and finish. www.herd.com Manitoba Aliarc Manitoba also I believe Magnum British Columbia Mik Mak Ontario The first pic is a Super Road Train, 4 post with rake very heavy duty, 4 in pipes 475 lbs Second is a Defender, 4 post with rake and ballusters 340 lbs
  16. Looking for a RH side electric window motor for RW or R model.......
  17. that is a gorgeous truck!!! All the best in her ressurection to an even more beautiful truck!
  18. Not mine, but saw it on kijiji....... rather see her picked up and restored than cut up like he says....http://www.kijiji.ca/v-heavy-trucks/city-of-toronto/califoria-long-hood-1985-mack-r767st/1204729020?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  19. May 2017 bring you a speedy recovery, and a prosperous year Mike!!
  20. kt_Engineer... In my opinion, if you want big HP, then get the displacement to go with it..... I don't believe a 13L, 600 Hp motor will last very long, asking way too much from a small block.... maybe I'm wrong, but it seems we are now in a throw away market anyway....... sticking with my 97 T800 for a loooooong time!
  21. thnx for all your input guys! Hoping one of the guys with a Super dog will eye this post and be able to share some info...
  22. Hey guys, looking for info on a project am doing. Taking a daycab Brockway 761 and making it into a sleeper truck..... the sleeper is a rest rite 36'' single cutout. It has the hole a bit bigger than rear window. What I need though is I want to make it into a walk-in/sit-in bunk. Need a part number for a RW with a walk-in sleeper for the gasket, and will make the hole in consequence of the gasket. Hoping they are still available...........any help would be appreciated Clay
  23. interested in the fuel pedal, and the door seal package, you have both left and right? PM, me please thnx
  24. Mirror tech from Yonkers, NY. Go to there website........... www.mirror-tech.com right there on the home page
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