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761 Brock

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Everything posted by 761 Brock

  1. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery Mike Clay
  2. Great pair of F's Skip. Nothing like old school trucks!
  3. Hey GG, Yes the high side si the same, just the low side is low, low..
  4. if you can find an RTLO series 13, the low side of the trans is the same as the low on an 18- my 97 T-800 has an RTLO16713A and I love it! That is what the "L" stands for low. It should be geared low enough to idle around a barnyard. I regularally haul 99K around into Vt and there is a border crossing I use in a decent grade...the customs is right on it.. not a long pull, but snotty.. just put her in the low hole, ease the foot off the clutch and away she goes....
  5. If this is the same woman that drives the T800, I have seen her a few times going up the 91 in my red T800. She is a great looking woman! I'm sure I have seen you around Tim, will post pic of my truck.... hopefully....
  6. |Ever find a right side electric window motor? Thnx, Clay
  7. Up here in Canada, was used on the later Sicards.... the early ones used the R seires Inter cab....
  8. here are a few shots of my shifter in my 97 T800, cut 9" off it....
  9. That and the Hendrickson rubber block suspension..
  10. Exactly, from a Volvo- wouldn't degrade my truck with those...
  11. Sorry guys, nice find, glad to see another truck saved......
  12. Is it possible that grille design is for the V-8's? Have heard something to this sort about a grill change for them...
  13. I'll be there Wed evening with my Cromwell 761 and ex-Pittsburgh 761 fire truck of my brother's....
  14. is it me or... something a little funny about this truck, looks like Hendrickson susp, 5 spoke wheels in the rear, and definitely not a Mack front end, just by the spokes.. Possibly recabbed? .
  15. 16 ply 11R22.5' are in the 6k lb range. 315's are rated for 8k lb 385's are rated for9k lb 425's are rated for 10k lb
  16. now that's the real Rubber Duck, with the hair standing on end on his back. Where did you find it?
  17. Happy 4th to all you boys south of the border......... Clay
  18. Although my dog ain't a bulldog, a nice looking huskie mind you! Thanks for the wishes guys! Your turn is up Thursday! Clay
  19. Nice!!! Love the high air intakes, gives the Down Under effect.
  20. My thoughts are with his family in this difficult time. I never knew dave, but had seen his trucks at a couple of shows and in pics. If he was even half the man that his trucks were, he must have been one heck of a guy!! The hobby can't have enough of guys like him.... Clay
  21. Brakes and drums are a fair amount more expensive ,too. make sure to put GOOD tires underneath it too. A friend of mine has two tri-axles with 17.5's and runs either Michelin High Energy or Good Year's I believe, will have to check when I'm in the yard tomorrow. Reason is when your 22.5 or 24.5 are doing 65, these are doing about 75+! Before buying the drops both new, he had a van with 17.5 with bridgestone and another make, cannot remember, was blowing them left and right till put the Michelins on.. His manac tandem is fairly heavy, weighs in around 15,500 lb 53 ft.. Problaly won't be able to put 19.5 on the trailer as it was designed for the smalller tires so clearence will be a problem for the bigger tires.... Hope thi Clay
  22. Like that nice lookin 758 you had two stick....
  23. Actually the cabs for Brockway and Mack were proced by Shellar Globe
  24. Oooops, my mistake I couldn't post the pic of Oakey's 761, so i used the Cromwell, just noticed that , duh!!! Sorry for the confusion... Anyway I bought his truck back in Nov 2011, after a friend of mine Mike Doucette of Glastonbury found it in Farmington back in 2007, 25 years after Oakey sold it..........
  25. 2stack, yes it is from Cromwell Concrete.Have had it since Aug 2002. The 761 in my avatar pic was owned by Bob "Oakey" Oakliff of Portland, Ct, (who found the Cromwell 761 for me), and is what it looked like when my brother drove it for 2 years for him back in the early 80's. it is what it will look like when she is done....... I do have a regualr tilt nose which i want to install on the Cromwell along with a factory sleeper off another tilt nose....(40 in sit in) Clay......
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