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761 Brock

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Everything posted by 761 Brock

  1. If you have or seen the Dec 1977issue of Overdrive mag, they did a roadtest/evaluation of the Superliner (preproduction) and said "Actually, the new Super-Liner cab incorporates many of the features of the late, great Brockway, the division of mack killed by corporate manipulation early this year; so for those brockway lovers, perhaps you can still get your thrills admiring and driving the spiritual brother of "the most rugged truck in the world." Also the lo pro coe in Australia uses or used the Huskiteer (550) series cab for production there also..... But one word for that blue truck from Australia- what a beautiful truck!! Love to have a hood like to convert my Cromwell 761 into a tile like that!!! Clay
  2. Thought of something else..... a RH electric window motor.... Thnx, Clay
  3. Thnx for taking the time to look... Clay
  4. Do you have by chance an air suspension pressure gauge for an R/SuperLiner?
  5. Nice looking ride, Thunderdog! Really like that old school/style visor. Have one like it.
  6. What model is that, Alex? Try advertising it on the Brockway sight.. Clay
  7. Believe it is a 71- has the black tuck and roll int- started that in 71. Definitely pre 73, as turn handle doors, unless changed.. 73 and 74 had push button... The quad headlights were from the 60's. Has the old style speedometer with Brockway in block letters, but the newer tach with Brockway in script. Also think wood grain dashes started in 73 too- that not 100% sure. Nice enough truck fot the money.... Clay
  8. Purchased used pre-lund style sun visor from Dan. Had it quick as a whip and well packed. Bought it last month (March 2013). Would deal/buy from Dan anytime!! Had a couple of great chats on the phoine too! Clay 761 Brock
  9. Not hard for a ladder, two flat pieces of stock coming out from the body, attaching to the bottom of ladder, then adding a triangle piece on each one to help in side to side movement. Should work out ok. Clay
  10. The axle settings are not the same on the two KWs. The one with the single light is a C-510, the other was called a brute in the US in the seventies. Up here in Canada was known as a C-520. The twin steers were known as C-550's.
  11. Best looking truck made by Mack, the V-8's a bonus!
  12. Nice looking ride!!
  13. Serial number on 300 series Brockways can be found in three places.... inside of either door, bottom corner (on triangle brace) or the dash on right side.... if the frame is clean, look under the pass side frame, between the shackle and axle.. Clay
  14. not sure,I believe I have one as well, came off a DMM mixer... will check and post.. Clay
  15. the small gauge covers are peterbilt, and the speedo and tach i think also, or F'liner. the smalls are perfect fit, the others need a dab of silicone, did this ti my 761 Brockway- really dresses the truck up!! clay
  16. I agree, if you can find a way to keep , please do so. I bought a 68 Dodge Charger when I was 18 off a guy who was getting married at the time. We became good friends because of it, but he totally regretted it and divorced 5 yrs later. I still have the car btw. I also found, with the help of a good friend, the very first Brockway I ever saw, which was owned by someone who was an idol to a young kid, then more like a big brother later on and now. Anyway, he sold it in 1982, and lost track of it, till 2007. I finally finished a deal in Nov 2010. Bought another 761 b4 finding the original one i wanted, as had given it up as being scrapped. Not the same, sentimental value and feelings are priceless. It will be restored to the last time I saw the truck back in 1982. Clay
  17. We are getting way to friggin' politically correct in this world today! Scared to fringe on people's rights, etc. If you ain't happy in the US or Canada, then pack your rags, and move!! Nobody asked the people from the other countries to come here, if we were to go there, would have to abide by their rules, so BEAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!! They only tell the people what they want to- leave some of the truth and details OUT!! And the gullible b*st*rds believe it all! P.S. I am not racist, I hate everybody, EQUALLY!!
  18. Put them on my two trlrs this summer. 5 axles in all, can't remember the exact cost- don't matter-worth every penny!! Only visual glance needed instead of actual checking at pm time! Saves time and effort! Next year when have 16 ply tires for truck for summer and winter, will install on truck too. Pupils open up at 5 psi under calibration! They do work! 100 psi for 14 ply and 120 for 16 ply ratings. I took the braided lines over rubber, little more expensive, but over time, rubber dries out.... Clay
  19. Looks like a Cruise-Liner in the background of that one picture....
  20. If Barry decides to look into getting these done, perhaps seeing if can get them undrilled. That way us Brockway guys could get them and expand the order hopefully. I'm, sure they'd be quite popualr As far as drilling goes, all you need is an old set to put them face to face and drill..... Just an idea as far as cost go..... Clay
  21. When I bought mine, they were 600 and change USD from Green Mtn Kenworth in Shelburne, Vt. Believe they are still availablt thru them..... Clay
  22. Not sure if the bulldog would hide the holes from the huskies, and vice versa. The size and angle of the dogs would malke it difficult. The gold mirrors are rare. Personally, have never seen a Mack with the gold ones, just Brockways. Clay
  23. Nice looking truck guys!! Will be an eyecatcher when done!! Like the color combo too. Clay
  24. I believe you can mount the bulldog cushions as i did with the kw's. Although I prefer the original cushions more. More comfy, shaped more for your butt cheeks, lol. Think grey would be your best bet. My interior is grey and seat grey also. The original covers are a nice shade of darker grey.. Don't have Geen Mtn's # handy, but let me know and will forward it you. Clay
  25. Yes I'm referring to the "Eldorado VIP". Although my seay is a halfbreed! The base and all controls are VIP, but the seat base and high back are KW as I wanted leather seat covers and the KW ones wouldn't fit the VIP seat, but it still works great!! Mine is grey with grey armrests. Don't think you can order two tone... Mine came from Green Mountain Kenworthm, Shelburne Vt Clay
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