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Everything posted by docthrush

  1. Not sure how to post pictures but the first filter was very clogged. The next filter was clean thankfully.
  2. Thanks guys I'll look at those!
  3. I have a 1981 Mack MC (fire) driving it around it dies as I go up hills. As I accelerate it does down then finally dies all together. Any ideas? Was thinking it could be gelling but not sure and it's driving me nuts. We did add fuel additive but after the issue started. Could the filters be damaged? Any ideas? Thanks Doc
  4. Ok seems like its about the same on here. Well supposed to be lol
  5. Took my MC out for a spin. When I went to hit the clip lights nothing happened. I have two switches for lights: First is the clip light switch controls the marker lights and nothing else. Simple two way (on off) switch. Worked until now. Seems to be the switch is bad. The second is a three way switch for the headlights up was headlights on (nothing else) middle was off, and the down position has never seemed to do anything. Should the third position on the headlight switch do anything? Is there a good place to get these switches I am guessing there is a universal variant? Thanks Doc
  6. Hey everyone! Havent been on in a bit dues to work and life in general but finally getting back into Macks. We recently bought two Mack CFs a 1970 and a 1980. We sold the 70 in order to pick up out 1981 Mack MC rescue engine.
  7. Working with a two stage waterous pump on a cf 600. Is it ok to draft with the pump in pressure mode? My understanding was the best/right thing to do was to start the draft in volume mode then switch to pressure if needed? Thanks Doc
  8. I have been looking into getting another engine. The first one I had was an mc. Now that I am looking again I saw a couple posts (not on this site) that basically said that the MB series in the 70s was Mack's "economy" truck when compared to the other lines they had at the time. I also saw that the my series with the Howe body is not the greatest either. Anyone have any info/thoughts on any of that? I just don't want to get a MB and end up having issues with it due to quality I guess. I like the MC because it is different, it seems most people go for the CF series ( probably because it is better looking lol) Thanks Doc
  9. Im looking at getting a Mack engine and have been doing some reading online. The one thing that I read was that the MB series was the "cheap" line that they had at the time while the cf would have been the nicer type. Just wondered what peoples thoughts were on this. The engine that I am looking at has a Howe body and from what I am reading that is a lower end body as well? Any thoughts on this would be great. I kind of like the my/mc series as they are a bit different and everyone(collector) doesn't have them, but don't want to get something that I am going to have issues with at some point. Thanks Doc
  10. Not sure how long ago it was for sure but wasnt recent...
  11. Hello all! Ive managed to get a 1980 Mack MC fire engine that I will pick up in the next week or so. The truck was in service till this weekend. There is an issue with rust that I need to look into and am sure Ill need help with. I will also be getting a 1977 International engine that has been out of service for some time, and will need alot of help. And lastly, I have a m35 deuce and a half truck. Any info or help with the Mack would be greatly appreicated!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Doc
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