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  1. What signs will I get when pulling pan and valve covers and pressurizing the coolant system if it is the oil cooler? What should I look for?
  2. I have a 2000 model CH613 with a E7 460 that is using 2-3 gallons of coolant a day. It doesn’t leak a drop and isn’t making oil. Looks like it is blowing straight steam out of the blow-by tube. Oil isn’t milky but if you pull the oil fill plug it has a greenish sludge and the valve cover has a green film. I’m thinking leaky liner but are there any other possibilities? Bad air compressor (tanks are dry) bad oil cooler? Bad head gasket (does not pressurize the coolant system or run hot) anything else to check?
  3. Has anyone put bigger injectors in a 2VH EM6-300? I’ve pulled the heads to replace head gaskets and fire rings. It’s going back together with head studs, I’m debating sending the injectors to a guy to have them worked over a bit and putting a little bigger turbo back on it for some extra power. Does anyone have any thoughts/info on this? How much hp are these engines good for?
  4. I’ll shoot you a PM
  5. Awesome, thank you for confirming that Joey. There isn’t much info about these old trucks on the internet and the shops/dealerships around here have been zero help so I appreciate all the information and help I have received on here more than you all know!
  6. I seen a couple different posts stating some information about how to tell the difference between 2 valve and 4 valve engines, I’ll copy and paste the posts I seen. “The 2 valves have external injectors seen on the drivers side of the head The 4 valves have the injector lines that screw into the head on the pass side.” “Steel valve covers 2 valve aluminum valve covers 4 valve.” I’m not sure how true those statements are but with that being said, my engine has the injectors exposed on the drivers side and it has steel valve covers. So I’m pretty sure it’s a 2 valve engine
  7. I’ve just always put studs in all my Diesel engines to help keep from blowing head gaskets. According to the odometer this engine has over 660,000 miles on it, I’m worried about the head bolts stretching with all the heat cycles they’ve had on them. The truck currently has a blown head gasket on the front head.
  8. I haven’t pulled the valve covers to find out if it’s 2 valve or 4 valve yet, it’s a 1984 EM6-300 it looks like factory it had head bolts so I will need studs, washers and nuts. I would definitely like to put studs in it when it goes back together if I can get some. So far every website I’ve found and called they only have a few on hand, none of them have 40 bolts in stock.
  9. Thanks Joey! Is that part # for head studs or head bolts?
  10. Does anyone make head studs for the EM6-300 engines? If so could someone provide a part number or a part number for head bolts?
  11. Thanks Vladislav that is some great information!
  12. What is the difference between a EM6-300 and a E6-300 engine? I believe the M stands for maxydine. I’m needing to do a head gasket job on my 1984 EM6-300 and I’m having a hard time finding parts, all the parts I find are labeled E6 I can’t find any upper gaskets kits that are labeled EM6 are the gasket kits universal? The kit I came up with is a PAI 3899
  13. Well that would explain it, I believe the truck was built in California and I live in Oklahoma
  14. Yeah it’s the correct vin, vin on the truck matches the vin on the title. It’s a 1981 RW700L from what I’ve come up with, it’s a super liner truck with aluminum frame and top loader Rockwell axles and a Eaton 13speed. I believe it was built as a glider kit truck in the United States but I don’t have any real proof to back that up.
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