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Everything posted by Adkat

  1. Sounds like a blocked fuel line, like mackpro said, check banjo fittings. They're a PITA for causing fuel blockages. Also any elbows in the system are good at catching debris and blocking. Pull the pick up and inspect, check tank too, have seen all sorts of rubbish floating in tanks that block the pick up randomly. Blow air back through all lines before reconnecting. Not sure if it's got nylon or rubber fuel hose, but seen plenty of rubber lines come apart inside, little flap of rubber acts like a shut off tap when on a pull. Anyway good luck.
  2. Adkat

    S P O T T O

    C'mon guys, cans are different sizes 🤣🤣🤣
  3. Adkat

    S P O T T O

    Marker light front of trailer and fuel cap missing
  4. Great story Paul, reckon it's worth doing the rounds again 👍
  5. About 32L Inc filters by memory
  6. Unconfirmed, South Brisbane, QLD today. Roughly $16.50 a gallon. Hopefully it's a balls up!
  7. G'day, been floating around on this site for a while now, and wow! what a wealth of information you blokes are. 👍 Thought it about time to say hi. Didn't get bought up with trucks, but always wanted to get into them. Anyways, turned spanners on them when I could, drive them when I could, then bought them when I could, and now here we are. Didn't start out with a Mack, couldn't afford it 🤣🤣, not the second truck either, but the third and soon to be fourth. 1st one 1999 CLS Trident, 470 etech 18spd RR. 2nd very soon addition R model. Anyways keep up the good work. Cheers Adam
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