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Old Macks

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  1. I have a E9 powered Mack with a factory air clutch and the cylinder is leaking. Does anyone have a information on that set up or source for parts?
  2. Looking for these two valves. Both are marked BW and the double check valve appears to have 21220 stamped on it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. The Mack museum did not have much information. Hoping someone on here may have one I can copy. Thanks.
  4. Thanks Steve. I appreciate it.
  5. I do not have a copy of that book. Does it have information on the EN540? If so, can you post it?
  6. Does anyone have the specs for EN540 pistons?
  7. Looking for old style diamond plate like this. It was used on some 40s vintage macks steps.
  8. Not sure there is such a place but would appreciate any recommendations. A lot of the parts like pistons, etc. will have to be made and or sourced. Thanks.
  9. Thanks. I called and he does not have anything.
  10. Looking for a set of 6 NOS EN510 or EN540 pistons and/or rings. Thanks.
  11. Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate it.
  12. Looking for a tan L model steering wheel, 1 1/8" spline. Thanks.
  13. 865 is complete and running, 866 is complete but disassembled also have parts
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