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  1. Hello Guys, Sorry for my late answer. Thank you so much for the comments and questions. I am waiting for the Vin or SN number. As soon as I have I will PM you. Again thank you for your help.
  2. Bonjour, Je suis français mais j'habite aux USA. Je peux peut-être vous aider?
  3. Ok, thank you for your help.
  4. Hello, I am looking to buy some E9 water housing (see in red on the drawing). Can you help please? Thank you.
  5. Hello experts, I have a list of the French (Renault) part number from a mack E9 engine. I am not sure where to find the cross reference of the american OEM part number. For exemple : Injection pump (5010248833) Oil water exchanger (5010248760) Supercharging aircooler manifold LH (5010248763) Supercharging aircooler manifold RH (5010248762) Rotating unit water pump (5001860282) Hydraulic pump (5010248153) Hydrostatic oil tank (5010248761) Turbo charger HP LH (5010323905) Turbo charger HP RH (5010323701) Turbo charger BP LH (5010323702) Turbo charger BP RH (5010323906) Wiring harness (5010438497) Does someone have some tips, please? Thank you very much.
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