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  1. Yes was Bristol to Concord NC.
  2. Hello everyone, This is certainly thread necromancy but I was browsing around looking for information on Blue Line Express of Nashua, New Hampshire. Though I never had the privilege of working there. I grew up hanging around its trucks, terminal, and docks and it was part of almost every family discussion we had for the first 20 years of my life. I am the nearly 50 year old grandson of the late Dana L. Clark, founder of Blue Line in 1937. My dad was a mechanic there and eventually rose to be VP of the company in its last years. I always wanted to do justice to my grandparents' vision, and have seen it as my life's objective to restart and rebuild an endeavor similar to the company they founded. After several successful business ventures in areas other than trucking, in 2021 I founded Blue Knight Express. We currently have just two trucks but will be growing forthwith. God willing, if all, most, or something goes to plan it will (eventually) be as big or even larger than its predecessor. Here is a picture of us getting loaded with NASCAR kitchen equipment for Hunt recently down in TN. I've also attached pictures of the old Blue Line Logo and our new logo. Thank you for reading...
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