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  1. psi is alright. its a 10 speed rockwell road ranger. already tried unplugging by now as well. its a mack engine too and not a cummins..
  2. it's a E7 engine VMack. horsepower 427. it's not the injector pump, thats been checked. its not fuel lines, been checked too. the mack computer doesnt show up any faults. we keep looking, thanks for the responses so far.. tony
  3. our mack CHR select 1994 looses power in the higher gears. we changed the filters and drained the oil. at the moment we are getting the injector checked out, but so far they dont know either. any suggestions and ideas greatly appreciated! tony
  4. we bought a second hand Mack CHR select 1994. in the higher gears it loses power. it also when in neutral sometimes just turns off. we changed oil filter and drained tank. our mechanic cant find the problem. we need the truck for our vintage right now, so any help much appreciated!!! (this is the wife writing cause hubby trying to get some sleep, so i wrote what he said)
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