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    2013 CHU-613 MP8-505 325"WB

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  1. You wouldn't happen to have the part number for them would you?
  2. Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't an overhead cam
  3. My 2013 chu mp8 505 has an oil leak coming from behind the head after replacement. Either the sealant failed or there wasn't enough, it's between the head and the timing plate, not the timing cover. It's a slow leak but if I idle for the night or longer it leaves a little puddle. Obviously I would like to avoid the arduous task of removing the head again just to put a little sealant on the back of the head, my stupid question is could I mayhap solder the area with a solder that melts higher than the 200° operating temp but below the 380° flash point of oil, how bad of an idea would this be?
  4. That does make sense, I wonder if a redesign of the manifold would fix this. Or maybe some kind of baffle plate like thing to go between the manifold and egr valve
  5. I have seen a lot of correlation to the #5 cylinder from other people. I wonder if there's a specific reason or if it's just a strange coincidence
  6. The turbo did start leaking oil I ended up replacing it in this debacle
  7. Yeah I had the # 5 cylinder exhaust valve get a big chip missing... funny I never found the chip
  8. I appreciate all the feedback, yes this truck is deleted, and I see I have been a little more on the paranoid side I wasn't sure what was normal for the MP8 temperature wise, but if it seems to be within normal operating conditions then I can relax a bit. As you may know I just had to replace the head on this truck, and would like to avoid doing such again any time soon🙃
  9. naturally, it seems i am doomed to repetitively tearing that side of my engine apart. is there a way to add an external oil cooler for efficiency sake?
  10. Any Idea what causes the chipped valves, I just replaced the head on mine because of this and I'd like to hopefully prevent this from happening in the future as it was a PITA for me to do.
  11. May be a dumb question, but where is the oil cooler located on a 2013 MP8? my oil temp doesn't seem to correlate to my engine temp like I'm told it should, I know there not an exact correlation but I've been told usually around 10 degrees but my oil temp seems to climb (particularly if I'm climbing a long grade) I try not to let it get too high (but it has almost reached 230 before i caught it) I can manually turn the fan on and keep it on till the temp returns to normal, but the oil temp climbing to 225 while the coolant temp is around 200 seems a bit of a gap, good conditions my oil temp is usually around 208. I've looked around for your typical oil cooler radiator looking thingy but there is none to be found, doesn't appear to be a transmission cooler either (trans temp has always been good I've had no problems there) but it still leaves the question, Where does the oil get cooled? there are stick like radiators for the power steering but nothing for the oil? Am I missing something or am I just being paranoid? Both are highly probable. 2013 Mack CHU 613 MP8 505
  12. I haven't been able to see one up close in person, I figured they would be bigger but I didn't realize they were that much bigger. I had seen some videos of a guy with what appears to be a newer pinnacle 64t that had fit one in but he drag races it so I suppose he probably did a lot of work to fit it in there
  13. Not quite yet I'm still researching whether or not it's a viable option
  14. Just doing a little research here, was kicking around an idea, we purchased our truck and it happened to be deleted, and as I understand it the cost to Un deleted it can get pretty expensive. But allegedly the fmcsa came out with a clarification that the emissions are based off the engine year, and if I could obtain a pre emissions MP10 for a similar amount of money that it would cost to replace the emissions system to make it legal why wouldn't I go for the option to get a little more HP out of my truck, and then perhaps be able to drop the extra weight and gain more frame space for more important knickknacks that the def tank and scr filter and such take up. Thoughts?
  15. Sorry for the late response I didn't get notified of any replies for some reason, upon further inspection I believe that the timing plate is the culprit I put silicone on before putting the head back on but I guess maybe I didn't use enough or it was a bad tube or whatever but it does appear to be leaking from between the head and that plate, is there anything I can do short of removing the head and re-installing it? It seems to be coming more from the passenger side back behind the ear and exhaust manifold
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