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Kim E

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About Kim E

  • Birthday 12/31/1970


  • Location
    Holland Pa

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  • My Truck
    2023 (yes you read it right) Mack Granite

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  1. Well if what I hear is true that urea is basically cow piss? Hell why not just buy a damn cow lol collecting urine might be a little tricky tho. Def was just another bs idea and another way to stick it to the truckers.
  2. This is gonna suck. It’s bad enough we’re paying 6.69 a gallon for diesel fuel! And now this shortage? I wasn’t crazy about this DEF being the solution to lowering emissions. Before buying my new truck I was like wtf is this def shit I gotta buy? And it’s how like 2.5 gallons cost how much???? WTF. I Just paid 88$ for a 10 pack of grease!! Well my wheels will be turning as long as I’m earning and
  3. Bought these for a 2000 RD Model didn’t fit up for grabs brand new
  4. I make vinyl decals if you have a decal you want for your truck let me know. I do cartoon characters letters phrases in memory of whatever
  5. Your supposed to jack up your truck when greasing trunnions. Need to take the weight off, then grease till a little comes out. Most people don’t know this but it is the right way. I don’t know if NOT doing it will make much of a difference but when you buy a 190k dump truck, yea I’m gonna do it the right way!
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