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Phoenix disaster relief

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  1. The VIN is 1M2AT04C67M004715
  2. Can someone tell me when part number is for the rear hub assembly it is on a 07 mack model number ctp713
  3. The think the first one is culprit not always do the other codes come back after deleting like the first and sometimes the second one as well
  4. It doesn't have any oil in plug
  5. Ok what exactly are you talking about eecu are you meaning engine control module
  6. Can someone please help me with these codes what they mean 5005 m128 01 05f 5003 m128 01 12f PP035 m128 01 05f 5005 m128 03 05f 5003 m128 03 12f
  7. My 07 mp7 manual tran did the same thing until I reached the maxed speed like 78 and then it quit for the rest of the day I ran a boatload of additive/injector cleaner and it's been a while since its done it
  8. I have a 07 granite with a MP7 I'd like to wake it up a bit I don't want to get crazy with it just a little more pep in it's step what are my options?
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